Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Of Belvor and Avras

 Date unknown, probably 1997/98:

Myra had been killed and the« Holy Pact» could be renewed.

Belvor II remained on the throne until a new heir was found in the person of his nephew Avras. He then resigned in favor of Avras ( often referred as Avras III, because he reigned after Belvor I and Belvor II).

The old Belvor II died during king Avras's reign and the latter decided that to honor the name of the former his son would reign as Belvor III.

We all know Belvor IV, the current king of Furyondy and his son, who was to see the reunification of the kingdom. The Prince hesitated between Thrommel and Avras, but seemed to have at least chosen to be crowned as Avras IV, thinking that calling himself Thrommel should be presumptuous.

Pierre Couture

aka Belvor X

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