Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Dreaming God -A Fable

 From: Jason Zavoda [nemesis@MAGPAGE.COM]

Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 5:50 AM


Subject: [GREYTALK] The Dreaming God -A Fable

There was a dream of wings. Tharizdun laughed, and from his laughter the Gods of Oerth were born.

Tharizdun had eight children of his laughter. Some men would call evil, others good, but all hated and feared their father Tharizdun.

The Oerth was a wilderness. The elves walked naked beneath the trees, the dwarves were more of stone and mud than they were of flesh. Man was a beast, hunting in packs, hiding in trees and caves from the greater beasts around him.

The oldest of Tharizdun's children, born only a sliver of a moment before his kin, reached down and gave thought to mankind. Tharizdun watched and smiled and blasted the land. In some places he drew the heat away till the waters froze and the plants withered. With a glance he raised mountains that belched forth fire, or turned the grass and trees to sand where the days baked and the nights were bitterly cold.

Man did not perish, nor elves or dwarves. All grew stronger and new races and species were born. The other gods showed themselves to the tribes of man. The ancient fathers of the Flan, the Suel, Bakluni, Oeridian, and Olman, and tribes which fell and did not flourish, and tribes which live on Oerth beyond the borders of the Flanaess.

Tharizdun took the spirit of the beasts and the spirit of man and twisted. The monsters of the Oerth were born, touched by evil, brought forth to torment and to destroy.

The dreaming god, Tharizdun, grew bored with his children, tired of his own monsters, angry at the resilience of man. He would do away with them all, devour all the Oerth and the gods he'd born from his dreams, but his children knew his mind.

None had the strength to match Tharizdun. Not all eight together could defeat him, not even bind the master of nightmares. But together they might trick him and use his greatest strength against him.

The world was a dream to Tharizdun and while he was awake he was its master, but some part of Tharizdun always slept. A balance was struck between his waking self and his dreaming existence. The children of Tharizdun knew that they must shift the balance, send Tharizdun into an eternal sleep, but some small fragment of the dark god must remain awake or the Oerth, its people and its protecting gods would be swallowed whole into the dreaming mind of Tharizdun.

The children of Tharizdun created a great hall within a castle sitting on a hill. Inside they prepared a feast beyond the imaginings of men. Of the Oerth and on the Oerth this hill and castle and hall appeared to be, but it was an island of thought, a cage and a trap for the dreaming god, their father.

They sang and feasted and rejoiced. They wove a dream, a pale imitation of Tharizdun's great dreaming. It brought the dark god to them. He was within the hall, though the doors were barred, and ruin was around him. The hall was dark, the walls scarred and the finery tattered and decayed, but his children were not there.

He found ten thousand rooms within the castle walls, ten thousand horrors he left behind him, twisted dreams and nightmares, but always his children were not there.

The sound of laughter that he no longer possessed called to him and he .allowed it in greater and greater haste. Up he went till he came to a small door in the highest tower of the castle. Inside there was a child's room and sleeping in a bed was Tharizdun, his children 1 s dream, small and pale, a fragment of himself, the dreaming sliver that the waking Tharizdun held inside.

There was a ladder against one wall of the room and a trapdoor in the ceiling. Beyond the door Tharizdun could hear the laughter which he sought to reclaim. A little climb and the trapdoor was flung open. Inside was laughter and a dream of wings.

Only the gods know what happened to Tharizdun's oldest child. In the room below, the child Tharizdun is awake and laughs among ten thousand rooms, but does not sleep.

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Suel Gods Family Tree

From: Tal Meta  [talmeta@OPTONLINE.NET]

Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 5:20 PM


Subject: Re: [GREYTALK] Suel Gods Family Tree?

Peter Ouimette wrote:

> How are all the other Suel gods related? Is it anywhere I can look? Any ideas?

"In the beginning, there was Chaos. Out from Chaos came Lendor, who chose his Place and set his Pattern down, weaving Order from Chaos, and creating Time. While playing with his new creation, Time, Lendor created the world of Oerth and breathed upon it, causing life to spring forth from it's barren surface. Eons were spent diversifying the life thus created, and in Time it occurred to Lendor that life itself might be a tool to assist him in further refining his creations, so he creates from himself four children, namely Phaulkon of the Air, Weejas the Sorceress, Syrul of the False Promises, and Norebo, Prince of Chance. Turning his attention to other matters, Lender's children were free to create more progeny. Phaulkon and Syrul begot Kord the Athlete, while Norebo and Weejas gave birth to Llerg the Strong and Lydia the Muse.

Returning his attention to the world of Oerth, Lendor creates Osprem and Xerbo of the Seas, who together beget Akwamon the Storm, Meanwhile, Norebo and Syrul come together to create Phyton the Beautiful and Bralm the Taskmistress. Llerg and Bralm beget Fiery Pyremius and shadowy Beltar, the Dark Mother. Kord and Osprem beget Jascar and Fortubo, thus ending the direct lineage of Lendor."

(Mostly cribbed directly from Len Lakofka. Ranet won't appear in it, since Ranet isn't of his creation).

talmeta@optonline.net - Heretic, Dilettante, & God-Machine

AIM - talmeta

ICQ - 12594453

Homepage - <http://talmeta.net>

When cryptography is outlawed, bayl jvyy unir cevinpl.

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Druids of Greyhawk

From: Russell Bird [rbird@1EARTH.NET] 

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 3:07 AM 


Subject: Re: [GREYTALK} Druids of GH

Here is a mostly complete list for you.  I will not be able to check completeness for another few months:

Alexia (The Leaf Lady): Low level druidess of the banks of the Crystal River, Furyondy (Border Watch)

Arahaz: Insane high level druid, location unknown (Treasures of Greyhawk)

Atienne: Grand Druidess for the Yetil Mountains (sic) (Childs Play)

The Bee Man: Mid level hermit and bee keeper (Return to the Keep on the Border1ands)

Bheannhe: Herbalist and druid spy for the Golden Bough (level unknown) (WG7 Castle Greyhawk)

Blackthumb: Low level druidess of the Tors (Gargoyle) Caledon: Low level druid NPC of Saltmarsh (U  series)

Dannen: Elder druid (vampire) of the Cairn Hills (Doomgrinder) 

Diansail: Low level druid in search of Juliana and Orlando (Beyond the Crystal Cave)

Griffith Adarian: Cursed mid level Obad-Hai Adri Druid of Greyhawk (1st: City of Greyhawk boxed) +   Riza the Tigress

Henderson: Twon druid for Rockburgh, the Tors (Gargoyle)

Hermit of Wavenair: Very high level druid of the Gamboge and ally of Tenser (From the Ashes)

Hieroman: Mid level druid explorer (Dwellers of the Forbidden City) 

Hildefar Parovis: Gnarley  Archdruidess of Ehlonna (From the Ashes) 

Immonara: Flan Adri Archdruidess of Obad Hai (Ivid the Undying)

Ingrid Hashandir: Mid level Suel albino barbarian druidess of Obad Hai (Five Shall Be One)

Jakar Whitewing: Heirophant druid in panther form (Valley of the Mage) 

Jaroo Ashstaff: Druid of Hommlet and spy for the Gnarley (Village of Hommlet)

Kella: Mid level half elf druid of the Gnarley, spy on the ToEE, likes appearing as a Hill Giant (ToEE)

Kelth: Low level Vesve druidess and Wild Coast adventurer (Puppets) 

LeDurt: High level druid adventurer (WG7 Castle Greyhawk)

Lerrell Shaereless: Mid level wandering half elf druidess of Obad Hai (City of Skulls)

Lewenn: High level druid of Berei and count of Ulek (multiple mentions) 

Loftin Graystand: Former  mayor of Highfolk, alternately credited with being a fighter and a druid (as a druid: high level) (multiple mentions) 

Martin: Low level druid of Garotten, Lendore Isle (Assassins Knot)

Meorpro: Mid level druid, also searching for missing lovers (Beyond the Crystal Cave)

Nanna: Druid vampire of the Cairn Hills (Doomgrinder)

Perenn:  Barbarian druid of history, one of the wielders of one of the Blades of Corusk (Five Shall Be One)

Reswald:  Low level distiller druid of Restenford, Lendore Isle (Secret of Bone Hill)

Reynard Yargrove:  Sheldomer Great Druidess of Obad Hai (also of Isle of the Ape)

Smyth: Smithy of Hamlett and assistant to Jaroo Ashstaff

Bverdras Meno:  Heirophant Old Faith guardian of the Menowood (LGG)

Taminia: Another mid level searcher (Beyond the Crystal Cave)

Tiran Weaverman:  Mid level Obad Hai druid of Jurnre {Fate of Istus) 

Ursunn Kewl:  Heirophant druid and former count of Ulek (LGG) 

Willow:  Cairn Hills vampire druidess (Doomgrinder)

Monday, September 28, 2020

Faiths and Avatars: Incabulos

 From: Immaculate Image [immaculateimage@HOTMAIL.COM] 

Sent: Monday, October 12, 1998 1:18 PM 

To: GREYTALK@mitvma.mit.edu

Subject: [GREYTALK] Trick or Treat: F&A lncabulos

I think I posted this earlier in the summer, but here it is again expanded slightly and cleaned up for those who want it or missed it.

Once again, I'd like to thank G. Gygax, J. Ward, C. Sergeant, R. Taylor, and W. McPherson for their previous write-ups making my life easier. Any of you who have Word Perfect 6.0 or better and would like a .wpd copy send me a private e-mail. Later, y'all


Greater Power of Hades

Portfolio: Evil, Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Drought, Disasters, Nightmares

Aliases: Sevelkhar the Waster (Bakluni)

Domain Name: The Grey Waste/Gholgorahk, The Socket of Woe Superior: None

Allies: Nerull

Foes: Geshtai, Pelor, Phyton, Rao, Sotillion, St. Cuthbert, Zodal Symbol: Eye of Possession

Wor. Align.: LE, NE, CE

lncabulos (in-CAB-you-los)is the power of evil sendings, feared by good and evil folk alike. The black cloaked rider of nightmare steeds delights in woe and wickedness, and enjoys being feared as much as being revered. lncabulos has few worshipers in the Flanaess, but many seek to propitiate him with offerings. This is especially true in lands ravaged by famine, where disease has spread from unburied bodies on battlefields, and where fear grips the common folk. Despicable folk of all  sorts venerate lncabulos, respecting his power and malignancy. 

Religious depictions of lncabulos only begin to approach the true hideousness of his horrible visage, deformed body, and skeletal hands. lncabulos despises Rao and Pelor, and maintains a loose alliance with Nerull for the purposes of opposing these two Greater Powers. The other deities he considers foes are of little consequence to him. It should be noted that lncabulos is known to the Bakluni as Sevelkhar the Waster, Master of Famine and Drought, the Poisoner of Wells. In the Bakluni culture, Sevelkhar is the eternal opponent of Geshtai, and both are viewed as subservient to lstus, Our Lady of Fate. This is contrary to actuality of course, as lncabulos is one of the few Greater Powers of the Flanaess, an equal of lstus, and vastly more powerful than Geshtai, a Lesser Power.

lncabulos' Avatar (Priest 33, Thief 20, Wizard 28)

lncabulos appears as a horrible looking man of indeterminate age with skin tinged a diseased blue. He has a twisted, nightmarish visage, deformed body , and skeletal appendages.  His pupil-less eyes of dull yellow cast a harrowing gaze upon all he views, and the smell of death and decay linger in the air wherever lncabulos goes. Clad in filthy, ragged robes of dead black lined with cloth of sickly orange and trimmed in nauseating moss green, he roams the Astral, Ethereal, and Prime Material Plane, the latter during darkness only. He often rides a huge nightmare of maximum hit points when it pleases him to do so, and he is accompanied by six of the strongest night hags so mounted. lncabulos may cast spells from all schools and all spheres lncabulos detests the presence of bright light, and will not use any spells which create light as their primary effect (e.g. continual light) and is loath to use spell which create intense light as a side effect (e.g. fireball and lightning bolt)

AC -9; MV 15 Fl 45 HP 393  THAC0 -1  #AT 2 DMG: 1d6+6 or 2d4+6

MR: 95%    SZ M (7 feet)

STR: 18  DEX: 25  CON: 21  INT: 20  WIS: 20   CHA:-3 (24 on the Grey


Spells P: 11/11/10/10/6/4/2 W: 5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1 Saves: PPDM 2 , RSW 6 , PP 5 , BW 8 , Sp 7

Special Alt/Def: Although lncabulos rarely enters combat directly (perhaps considering it trivial and a waste of time), he is quite capable of handling himself. Seeming to delight in causing fear and misery, he amuses himself with those foolish enough to challenge him. He may often toy with mortals,  imparting a lesson in wisdom that such lesser beings most often end up taking with them into the afterlife. lncabulos may only be affected  by +4 or greater weapons and he regenerates 2 hp per round. lncabulos has several other specialized  attack forms in addition to his considerable spell capabilities. Once per day he may cast an improved sleep (W1) spell that affects twice as many HD/levels of creatures  as the wizard spell, and may also affect up to 8HD/8th level creatures. Once per day he may also  cast permanent sleep spell upon any creature he touches ( a successful save vs. Spells negates,  mind affecting bonuses apply). Only an exorcism, limited wish, wish or similar magic will awaken  the creature so affected.

If forced into melee, lncabulos is more than capable of making his opponent's existence miserable, being the equivalent of a master in the staff and bastard sword. His favorite weapon is his staff of wounding, said to be made of a petrified piece of Yggdrasil itself and covered with screaming faces of tortured souls. Combining the powers of a staff of withering and a reversed staff of curing, this staff has no fewer than 60 charges, and only lncabulos may recharge it. This staff is extremely powerful, affecting any creature be it animal, plant, or extraplanar in nature. It is not known if another being may wield it, for there is no recorded instance of anyone or anything doing so. 

lncabulos may also brandish a great bastard sword in battle if necessary  or advantageous. Known as Evil Edge, this odd looking blade of enchanted flint from Hades is equivalent to a bastard sword of wounding +4; any creature struck by it must save vs. Poison at -4 or die within 1 round from an insidious and horrible wasting disease.

Should lncabulos deign his opponents not worth the effort, or in the extremely rare cases he is being overwhelmed, he may gate in 2-8 night hags or 5-20 hordlings once per day (but not both, or any combination of the two). These creatures serve willingly.

Other Manifestations

Manifestations of lncabulos are much more commonly seen than his avatar, especially since lncabulos will not send his avatar to a Prime Material Plane world during daylight hours. This is not to say that his manifestations are that common, though lncabulos will not hesitate to remind his priests of the price of failure, afflicting them with horrible nightmares, or rarely a disease of some sort. (An interesting side note to this is that any priest of lncabulos who has renounced  their worship of him has died within one year of a horrible wasting disease. Such priests are said by others of the faith to have "Evil Edge hanging over their head"). lncabulos will also manifest as a bronze Eye of Possession, through which he may speak or cast spells. Lastly, it is said lncabulos has made his will known on more than one occasion through the actions of hags and werecreatures, who are sometime allies of members of the faith, if not worshipers themselves.

The Church

Clergy: Clerics (35%), Shamans (5%), Specialty Priests (60%) Alignment: LE, NE, CE

Turn Undead: C: No Sha: No SP: No Cmnd Undead: C: Yes Sha: Yes SP: Yes

All clergy of lncabulos receive the Religion proficiency for free.

Those who worship this power are intensely secretive; many clergy members are paranoid to the point of insanity. Fear and threats are used to maintain secrecy and obedience of juniors. Priests of lncabulos revel in suffering, slow torture, and inflicting disease and misfortune (the grander the scale, the better). Many priests also become afflicted with lycanthrope on purpose, considering it advantageous. Worship of lncabulos is certainly not common, though one might be surprised at the number of people who plea and propitiate him to avoid the attention of the Master of Disasters. Temples dedicated to lncabulos , be they in enlightened or forsaken lands, are always subterranean affairs, and usually in desolate areas. It is the opinion of most members of the faith that" out of sight is out of mind", as even other evil priesthoods (notably Nerull's, who occupy a similar niche in the food chain, so to speak) revile their existence. Clergy members are known as lncabulites, both within the faith and to outsiders. 

Clergy are as often to work alone as they are to work in a group, and a group of clergy in a given area are  collectively known as a coven. Another similarity between lncabulites and hags is the ability of higher level clergy members to create eyes of possession; these items are similar in power to hag eyes, and given to agents of the priesthood. Such items are not bestowed casually, and great care is taken to ensure that the bearer cannot reveal the source of such an item, through means both magical and mundane. Members of all sexes and races are welcome to join the faith.

Humans obviously dominate the clergy, and comprise almost all of the specialty priests (who are known as Pathogens) and mystics who venerate the Lord of Evil Sendings. Clerics are also primarily human, though there is the occasional half-ore, half-ogre, ore, or hobgoblin. Specialty priests are addressed as Ambassador by peers and by the title "Your Malignancy" by juniors. Clerics are addressed as Emissary by peers and by the title "Your Virulence" by juniors. Within a coven, senior members address initiates as Larvae, with higher ranking clergy members usually awarding themselves the titles (in ascending rank); Acolyte, Deacon, Vicar, and finally Bishop. Heads of covens are referred to as Patriarchs or Matriarchs, regardless of level. Such titles may be expanded with self-important add-ons, and therefore one might hear a high ranking cleric referred  to as "His Most Dreaded Virulence,  Patriarch of Pestilence and Famine, Bishop So-And-So.." Many of  these titles are not official bestowals by the faith as a whole, and recognition of status by other clergy members can lead to deadly internecine strife.

Dogma: Clergy of this power are taught to spread as much evil as possible in the world, and be vigilant in opposing those who seek to do good.  Priests are also instructed to prey upon the weaknesses of body and mind of other beings, and utilize these weaknesses to their advantage. Clergy of lncabulos derive great satisfaction in especially fomenting fear and hale, and making others commit evils for them. Members of the faith are told to always seek to "put a dark shroud", as ii were, over the true cause of great natural disasters, to ensure that lncabulos receives his due tribute.

Day-to-Day  Activities: Most priests spend much of their time increasing their personal power, influence, and material wealth coupled to acts of evil in the name of lncabulos. Such acts include kidnaping, slave-running, arms-dealing, and undead-brokering. Priests of this power also love manipulating people for their own use, using threats as well as magically interfering with the integrity of people who might be of use to them. Many priests also devote much lime to researching diseases; what causes them, how they can make them more effective, and how they can best be delivered to large populations. To this end, such priests often work with insects and animals, such as pigeons, bats, and of course, rats. More inventive priests may work with exotic vectors such as slimes, oozes, and even non-sentient undead. Clergy   of this power are always plotting schemes to cause misery among the masses, and are quick to capitalize on any  natural disasters of the region, spreading rumors and encouraging placation to the Lord of Evils.

Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: Services to honor lncabulos have weird humming and droning chants in the background. Multiple evils are celebrated by the faithful, while flickering black candles dimly light the altar areas, sending a continuous thick and wretched smelling smoke into the air. All vessels  used in these ceremonies are of old bronze, bloodstone, or carnelian. There are no set times for daily or weekly worship, as lncabulos encourages his worshipers to commit acts of evil with as high of a frequency as possible. Many devotees keep their faith secret, and such secrecy is encouraged by high level clergy members. Therefore, holy days and ceremonies celebrated by the faith as a whole are few and far between.  Of course, like many evil faiths in the Flanaess, lncabulites celebrate the Festival of the Blood Moon, which occurs on the 11th of Coldeven. lncabulites usually make a point of spreading their particular brand of evil, while worshiping in long ceremonies involving sacrifice and the like. An interesting addend to this is that lncabulites also take particular pleasure in engendering  the hate felt by other faiths during this time; II is generally held by members of the faith that one may receive the blessing of lncabulos by taking the life of worshipers of another faith who actively oppose what lncabulos stands for, be they good or evil. 

The Feast of Famine also occurs during the winter months in some isolated regions of the Flanaess. Clergy members go without food on this day, and certain ascetics may fast for a week. During this time, when surplus food is low, even the poorest farmer is wise to set aside an offering of food to please lncabulos. If not, clergy members in the area may receive a vision, commanding them to  visit those villages not paying proper respect; such visits often entail burning granaries and killing livestock, along with the symbol of lncabulos painted on some buildings, a sober reminder to the  greedy and foolish. Another important holy week in the faith of lncabulos only occurs once every decade, and is known  the Eye Convene. Here all the higher level priests of lncabulos meet in several areas throughout the Flanaess to contemplate in the presence of a manifestation (or rarely an avatar) of lncabulos. The purpose of this is to coordinate region-wide plots and schemes, to result in a disaster of some type on a grand  scale, be it a plague, famine, or drought.

Major Centers of Worship: The priesthood of lncabulos is scattered throughout the Flanaess, with no major recognized hierarchy. Major centers of worship only remain so for as long as their exists opportunity to sway the hearts and minds of common folk in places of despair.

Affiliated Orders: There are no knightly or military orders dedicated to lncabulos. There does exist, however, a group known as the Bronze Cabal, who work with  and communicate with clergy and representatives of lncabulos. Consisting of some sages, as well as  some mages who have interests in areas of necromancy and disease, members work more towards the  knowledge of disease and the causes behind catastrophes such as famine and drought. The use of such  knowledge, however, is up to the one possessing it. In addition, many hags work with agents of lncabulos in spreading mayhem, and the odd werecreature may also work with a priest  or priests of lncabulos.

Priestly Vestments: All clergy wear vestments of dull black embroidered with the Eye of Possession in verdigrised bronze, repealed in dull orange on the robes of higher level clergy. Name level specialty priests have orange trimming, whereas name level clerics have greentrimming. All priests possess special robes known as soulshrouds awarded by a superior. Once a priest has been given one, he or she will keep it until death (and possibly beyond!), unless lost or destroyed. Many priests often wear ritual masks  with horrid visages as well.

Adventuring Garb: lncabulites, being practical and cautious to the point of paranoia, are masters of disguise and try to blend in with the culture of the area they live in. To this extent they wear simple  clothing, never trying to draw attention to themselves if possible. Some priests do have a penchant for acquiring jewelry and art objects which are made of  bronze or feature carnelian or bloodstone. Priests of lncabulos don't possess the greatest hygiene and are generally a dirty and unkempt lot.  Although lncabulites are not inclined to be drawn into open combat, they are careful to wear armor and take any other protective measures necessary.

Specialty Priests (Pathogens)

Requirements: Constitution 13, Wisdom 11 Prime Req.: Wisdom

Alignment: NE

Weapons: Staff, Bastard Sword, Dagger, Sap, Garrote Armor: Any nonmetal armor

Major Spheres: All, Animal, Astral, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, Thought, Weather

Minor Spheres: Charm, Divination, Protection Magical Items: As Priest

Req. Prof: None

Bonus Prof: None

*     Pathogens may be of any race, though most are human

*     Beginning at 1st level, all Pathogens are immune to natural diseases, including those caused by creatures such as green slimes, etc. Magical diseases still afflict these priests as normal, though these priests receive a +4 to any save they have to make against disease. In addition, any disease cast by a Pathogen may not automatically be healed by the use of a cure disease spell. Rather, an opposed check similar to that described under dispel magic must be performed. If the attempt to cure the disease is not successful, that particular healer may not attempt to cure the disease until he or she attains a new level. (Of course, that may be too late for the victim.)

*     At 4th level, Pathogens may cast cloak of fear (P4) upon themselves once per day.

*     At 5th level, Pathogens may cast hypnotism (W1) 1x/day.

*    At 7th level, Pathogens may cast contagion (W4) 1x/day

*     At 8th level, Pathogens may cast wierding sleeptouch 1x/day.

*    At 10th level, any disease inflicted by a Pathogen becomes even more potent; if an attempt to magically cure the disease is made, and the caster fails, then he or she not only may not attempt again until gaining  a level, but he or she also contracts the disease, and may not cure himself or herself of that affliction! (This can be absolutely lethal to small isolated communities with only one low level cleric or priest.)

*     At 13th level, Pathogens may cast mummy rot (W5) 1x/day.

•       At 18th level, Pathogens may cast uncontrolled weather (W9) 1x/week.

*     At 20th level, any disease inflicted by a Pathogen may not be  cured by any means short of a limited wish, wish or a heal spell cast by a priest of at least 2oth level.

Spells of the Faith

It should be noted that, in addition to the following spells, lncabulos  also grants transmute water to dust (P6}, earthquake (P7), and tsunami (P7) to all of his clergy, regardless of sphere restrictions.

Plague (Alteration)

Sphere: Healing         Level: 4

Range: 10 yds           Components: S, M Duration: 6 turns        Casting Time: 7

Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special

This spell allows the priest to inflict a virulent, infectious disease on a single target. If the target makes a save vs. spells, there is no effect. If the save fails, the target immediately suffers an  infection, becoming feverish and disoriented with illness for six turns. During this time the victim loses 10% of his original hit points, loses one point of Strength and Constitution, and suffers a -2 to saving throws and "to hit" rolls, and is +2 to be hit. All creatures and characters coming within 10 feet of the victim must pass a Constitution check or contract the plague themselves. Creatures currently suffering from the plague cannot contract multiple cases, and creatures within range of more than one victim need check only once. When the plague duration expires, a victim must make a successful Constitution check against his lowered score or die. If the victim makes a successful check, the penalties end, but lost hit points and ability scores take 1d6 days to return. The material components of this spell are the priests holy symbol and a small ball of rat hair, which is thrown in the direction of the victim at the time of casting.

Wierding Sleeptouch (Enchantment/Charm)

Sphere: Thought Range: Touch

Level: 5 Components: V, S

Duration: Permanent

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Casting Time: 1 Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of a simple gesture and a word or two, this spell enables the priest to touch the intended victim with devastating effect.  If the victim fails a save vs. spells at -3 , he or she immediately goes unconscious, and enters a deep sl<Jep. This sleep is permanent until magically dispelled, and creatures do age normally, and may even waste away while under this spells effect. Such passing is far from peaceful though, as the victim undergoes horrible nightmares and visions of the worst sort; this is readily observable to others as the victim rolls around, perspires, and even talks in their sleep. This spell also ignores armor, and therefore only magical protections and Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class apply.

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Church of Pelor: Part 2

 From: Chris Jarvis [cjarvis@gte.net] 

Sent: Monday, October 12, 1998 2:13 AM

To: Greyhawk List

Here is the conclusion of my (very dated) write-up on the Church of Pelor. I should like to once again point out that it suffers from being written before anything else was really published about the deity and his church. Some people have stated that it is a little too martial for their tastes--oh well such is life. If you can't have a martial god of strength and light...there would seem to be a problem. Also I see the ancient Flani  as having some sort of Holy Paladins (even if they were goat-herding savages) that would have seen service against the Suloise and maybe even helped to topple the bad-old Ur-Flannae.

Here it is, many thanks to Samwise of Pelor for prompting me to dig through my archive and finally post this. I truly apologize for the lack of a conclusion to the write-up, but hey, I'm lame. The only other things I might want to add would be the temple organization and perhaps the spells that Pelor specifically grants his priests. That and maybe a sampling of the "special powers" exhibited by the Lions of Pelor. But hey, I'll leave that for some other time. I have to get back to that History of Keoland--and maybe even GM at bit...

--Chris Jarvis

The League of the Healing Hand is reserved exclusively for the enlightened followers of Pelor. It is made up of members of both the  clerical and fighting orders, as well as select members of the laity. Members of the order shine with the inner light of the Sun and strike fear into the hearts of foes of Pelor. The origins of this order are unknown, though it is rumored to have once been the paramount order of Pelor acting has his agents upon Gerth. Past members of the League include Saint Delsin and Saint Pillan. The League has no symbol save that of Pelor himself and no set regalia or attire. It is not even known if the League maintains a chapter house or has a leader.

The Order of the Knights of the Sun is the fighting arm of the Divine  Order of the Radiant Sun. They are pledged to protect and defend their sponsoring order. The Sun-Knights are undead hunters of the first water. Vampires receive their undying enmity and opposition. The Sun-Knights are warriors foremost, and as such they are rarely out of armor. The armor of a Sun-Knight is his pride and glory. Many have any visible metal pieces plated in gold or brass, this includes their helms and shields. The dictates of the order prohibit them from using missile weapons but most others may be used. They generally prefer spears and two-handed weapons. Over their armor, Sun-Knights will generally wear a black surcoat emblazoned with the symbol of their order. Higher-ranking members of the Order are entitled to bear a golden border upon their surcoats. The symbol of the Order is a golden sundisk crossed by two spears in saltire (an X), on a field of ebon. Sun-Knights are versed in the arts of healing as well as warfare, and often serve as chaplains in the armies of good. The Sun-Knights maintain chapter houses in Nyrond, Almer, the County & Duchy of  Urnst, and in the Duchy of Tenh. The Holy Patriarch of the Divine Order serves as the Commandant of  the Sun-Knights from his see in Mazanar in Nyrond. The Sun-Knights cooperate heavily with many of  the holy knightly orders of Heironeous, but are on decidedly unfriendly terms with the Sons of  Pholtus and the martial orders of the Pale.

The Order of the Knights of the Temple of Light are the martial arm of the Golden Order of the Heavenly Torch in much the same way the Sun-Knights serve the Divine Order. The primary mission of the Lightbearers is to banish darkness, reveal decay, and dispel evil, fear, and ignorance. They are also sworn to protect and serve the Golden Order. The Lightbearers are generally of a more scholarly bent than the Sun-Knights; they also do not have the same reverence for their  appearance. They have a similar prohibition against striking an enemy at a distance. But to a Lightbearer weapons and armor are simP.IY tools utilized to accomplish their tasks. The only preference exhibited by members of the order is weapons of quality, though many favor swords of one sort or  another. The symbol of the Order is a red sword upon a golden sundisk. This is often worn as a simple badge on whatever attire the particular Lightbearer has chosen. Ceremonial regalia of the Order are identical to that of the Golden Order save that their saffron robes are emblazoned with a red sword point to base (pointed down). The Lightbearers maintain chapter houses in Furyondy, Veluna, the Shield Lands, the Gran & Bissel Marches, Keoland, the Ulek states, and Ekbir. The Illuminated Holy Patriarch oversees the order as its High Marshall from his see inCandleport. The Lightbearers work closely with the holy knight orders of Rao and the Billets of Saint Cuthbert.

The Lions of Pelor are unique in that their deity individually chooses them. They usually wander the lands, alone, healing the sick and injured, protecting the weak, and ferreting out and destroying evil and malefic blight with zealous intensity. They are the exalted warriors of Pelor, chosen to serve for an unknown period of lime and without regard to theirhierarchical standing. But they are rarely chosen without a specific purpose in mind, which may only be known to the god himself. The Lions are touched by Pelor's divinity with powers and abilities beyond the scope of most mortals. Few foes can stand before one of Pelor's Lions and not know fear.


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Church of Pelor: Part One

 From: Chris Jarvis [cjarvis@gte.net]

Sent: Saturday, October 10, 1998 2:15 AM 

To: Greyhawk List

Subject: [GREYHAWK] - Church of Pelor: Part One <long>

This is specifically  for Samwise of Pelor who threatened me with a crusade if I kept up.

I fear you not sir, for who would brave the Undercity of Greyhawk to seek me out?

Here it is, part one of the Church of Pelor:

Pelor is the god of the Sun, light, healing, and strength. The Sun is his home and domain. Pelor is the patron of healers and physicians, as well as warriors. The earliest Flani pictographs show Pelor as a lion surmounted by a sundisk. They saw him as a gigantic lion headed being who strode the world protecting the weak, healing the sick, and wrestling with the forces of evil and darkness. He was a being of awesome strength and profound gentleness. The twin symbols of the sundisk and lion are still used in some of Pelor's places of worship.

In holy visions, Pelor is seen as a huge lion headed titan with fur and skin the color of spun gold. His eyes are blazing orbs of light, and his roar deafening. He is rarely clad in anything more than a simple kilt of while cloth, and sandals. He often bears no more than an unremarkable (though befitting his size) staff of wood. But in times of battle and anger his visage and demeanor alter drastically. In battle, Pelor dons the full regalia of war. It is then that he wields Renwheot, the mighty Sun-Lance, and bears the Sundisk shield. Gold is his breastplate and mail and fierce is his wrath. In war he rides forth in his great sun chariot drawn by seven huge fiery winged horses.

Pelor's clergy is divided into several distinct sects. There are six clerical orders of priestly physicians and healers, sponsoring three holy orders of warriors. The clerical orders are, the Order of the Scions of Light, the Order of Saint Delsin, the League of the Healing Hand, the Golden Order of the Heavenly Torch, the Faithful Order of Saint Pillan, and the Divine Order of the Radiant Sun. The fighting orders are the Order of the Knights of the Sun, the Lions of Pelor, and the Order of the Knights of the Temple of Light (also called the Lightbearers).

The members of the Order of Saint Delsin are monastic pacifist physicians. Their temples are hospitals where the sick and injured are  tended regardless of their race, alignment, or religion. Hospitals of Saint Delsin can be found in Gorna in the Grand Duchy of Geoff, Flen in western Keoland, Jurnre in the County of Ulek, and at Redspan in the Duchy of Tenh. Their vows prohibit the members of the Order from using any sort of weapon or harmful magic. All members of the Order are trained in unarmed self-defense. Adherents of the Order wear simple garb, usually plain white robes and simple sandals. Both males and females of the Order shave their heads and are marked by a sundisk tattoo upon their brows. The symbol of the Order of Saint Delsin is a kirin's horn. Priests of the Order have been known to follow armies into battle to care for the wounded, but this order does not specifically sponsor any of the fighting orders.

The Faithful Order of Saint Pillan is an order of wandering itinerant healers. The Faithful Order has a very strict code of conduct. They may only treat a person or creature if such an act would not bring harm or suffering to others. And they may never ask for payment for their services. They may accept a gratuity but never demand one. They may not strike any being, save in self-defense, and are strictly prohibited from killing. They are allowed to pick up a weapon only if imperiled by some grave danger and may never use baneful magics. But the members of the Faithful Order are versed in unarmed combat, and know well how to defend themselves. The Faithful Order is very loosely organized. A single monastery, the Rock of Saint Pillan, in the Bluff Hills near the Duchy of Tenh (Hex L3-52), trains novices and serves as a retreat for aged or  weary members of the Order. Members of the Faithful Order are welcome in most lands, save the Pale  where they are cruelly persecuted. Typical raiment for members of the order is a rough brown robe,  a satchel of herbs and medicines, and a yellow, brim-less felt cap. Outside  of the single monastery the members of the order are mendicants. Any payments received for their services are usually distributed among the poor. The symbol of the Faithful Order of Saint Pillan is a sun rising out of/over a wooden begging bowl.

The Scions of Light are also a wandering order of healers. But unlike the followers of Saint Pillan, the Scions are charged to aid any creature in need. But they may demand and exact payment for their services. The Scions are allowed to defend themselves or others less able in any fashion they  deem necessary. They have no strictures against killing if it is the only alternative. The Scions are trained in unarmed martial arts, wrestling, and the use of the bo stave, weighted rope, manriki [weighted chain], rante [whipping chain], and kawanaga [grappling hook]. The traditional garb of the Scions consists of loose, but sturdy tunic and pantaloons of dun or buff colored cloth, sturdy leather boots dyed ochre, a wide belt of red dyed cloth, and a yellow, brim-less felt cap, similar to those worn by the Faithful Order of Saint Pillan, but with a white border. They also typically bear a canvas satchel for medicines and herbs, and a sturdy staff. Upon the palm of their right  hands, the Scions are tattooed with the symbol for their order, a blue eye within a sundisk. Three  monasteries serve the Scions, Retovar in the Good Hills (Hex G5-118), Iron Bough Hold in the  northern Lorridges (Hex E5-100), and at Sunsebb in the Flinty Hills (Hex R2-65).

The Divine Order of the Radiant Sun is firmly dedicated to the worship  of Pelor and the eradication of all undead. The priests of the Divine Order are scribes and savants. They record the motion of the sun across the sky. They endeavor to note the birth, life, and passing of each member of the laity and clergy. They catalog the dreams and visions sent by Pelor to his worshippers, and copiously inscribe the words and lives of the great saints and prophets. They are calligraphers and illuminators without parallel creating beautiful manuscripts and tomes. The members of the Divine Order often work with the priests of Lydia. The adherents of the Divine Order are also healers and physicians, knowledgeable in herbs and medicines. The Divine Order sees themselves as the guardians of life, and to that end they sponsor the martial Order of the Knights of the Sun. While the Divine Order has no prohibition against engaging in violence or battle, they typically leave this to the more than capable Sun-Knights. The raiment of the Divine Order is a simple saffron yellow robe. Priests of higher standing adorn their robes with embroidery of black silk and gold thread. The symbol of the Divine Order is a golden sundisk on a field of ebon. The Divine Order maintains abbeys, temples, and cloisters throughout the Kingdom of Nyrond, Almor, and the County and Duchy of Urns!. The seat of the Holy Patriarch is at Mazanar, outside the city of Oldred in Nyrond (Hex Z2-79).

The Golden Order of the Heavenly Torch is dedicated to opposing the forces of darkness, evil, and disease. They are fearless and zealous enemies of the followers of lncabulos, Nerull, and the sleeping god Tharzidun. The priests of the Golden Order are scientists and scholars. They intimately study the workings of the body, soul, and mind. They explore new ways of charting the heavens and the path of the Sun, and attempt to divine meaning from their courses. They experiment with natural and alchemical compounds, and attempt to ascertain the minute workings of fire, light, and life. They are shapers and doers, makers and dreamers. They are artists, musicians, and poets. Many members of the Golden Order learn the crafts of goldsmithing and glassblowing. The Golden Order has strong ties with the priesthoods of Fortubo, Delleb, and Lirr. Pious mages devoted to Pelor can be found among the members of this order. The Golden Order sponsors the martial Order of the Knights of the Temple of Light, the Lightbearers. The Golden Order is not forbidden to bear arms or engage in combat, but like the Divine Order, they have a fighting order sworn to serve them. The typical attire worn by members of the Golden Order is a short yellow robe, yellow pantaloons, sturdy shoes, and a yellow, brim-less felt cap. The ceremonial garb of the Golden Order consists of saffron yellow robes, which depending upon a priest 's status are embellished with embroidery of red silk and gold thread. The symbol of the Golden Order is a golden torch on a red field. The Golden  Order maintains abbeys, temples, and cloisters throughout Furyondy, Veluna, the Shield Lands, the Gran & Bissel Marches, Keoland, and the Ulek states. The see of the  Illuminated Holy Patriarch of the Golden Order is at Candleport on the Nyr Dyv (Hex G4-86).


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Gods of the Bakluni: Dorgha Torgu for RQ/Greyhawk

 From: Tal Meta [talmela@BELLATLANTIC.NET] 

Sent: Monday, October 05, 1998 8:37 PM 

To: GREYTALK@mitvma.mit.edu

Subject: GREYTALK] DMD - Dorgha Torgu for RQ/Greyhawk

Gods of the Bakluni


Runes: Inner Planes

Runes (pre-cataclysm): Inner Planes x2, Mastery, Magic

Dorgha Torgu is the god of the Material Elements and the Inner Planes.

Cult in the World

The mythology that surrounds Dorgha Torgu is of two parts.

In the earliest tales, Dorgha is revered as the master of the elements, the one who first taught  men the proper means to propitate the elemental forces. He is seen as the loyal son of lstus and  Koram, and a preserver of the natural order.

In more recent tales, Dorgha is remembered (or more accurately, is forgotten) because it was he who brought about the Rain of Colorless Fire that fell upon the Suloise Empire.

He would perhaps be a hero among his own but that this single act violated all of the precepts that he had formerly stood for, and was decried by even his own priests as unjust.

Dorgha was thus stripped of his own power base, his worshippers scattered, and the bulk of his runic associations stripped away. Denied even the comfort of the GodPlane, he roams the Flanaess in the form of his final avatar, searching for the means to either undo the wrong he has wrought, or at least to atone for his crime against his own beliefs.

Acknowledged and venerated now only by those Baklunish nations whose written records extend past the Twin Cataclysms, he is at best a balksome deity, providing divine spells in a haphazard fashion (actual lime required to recover spent divine spells is equal to 1d4 x the normal time), and providing little in the means of Divine Intervention  or Divinations.

Among the other deities of his pantheon, only lstus continues to acknowledge him, perhaps in recognition that he may someday once again regain his former divine status among her children.

Dorgha's priesthood no longer observes a High Holy Day, though services are typically conduscted on the 1st day of each month. Shrines to this deity are few, though it is known that Tovag Baragu is the greatest of these.

Priests of Dorgha dress to suit themselves, and are often initiates or priests of other deities as well.

Lay Membership

Requirements: Lay members of this cult are uncommon, to say the least. Once fashionable among sorcerers and magi, Dorgha's cult no longer provides sufficient return on the investment to attract worshippers of that sort.

Dorgha's cult is now popular only among sages, loremasters, and other members of the intelligentsia who seek to follow the most ancient ways of their ancestors.

No skills are currently taught by this cult.

Initiate Membership

Requirements: Standard. Initiates of this cult typically gather on holidays to re-enact the ancient rituals (even if they no longer work). They would think their god were dead if it were not for the continuance of divine magic support and the occasional successful DI or Divination.

Note:  Dorgha's cult does not offer spirit magic to it's followers.  Instead, they utilize a form of magic known as lekari, that employs  eight spheres and eight runes. Followers of Dorgha are bonded to the sphere of flesh, but may select whatever runic association they please. Knowlege of a sphere and a rune in this fashion does not affect the initiate's Free INT for purposes of memorizing spells, or their vow of the Vessel, if they are a sorcerer as well.


Requirements:  Standard. Dorgha's priests are commonly expert Heroquesters, ever seeking to discover a means of returning their god to his former station. But it is difficult to overcome or find a way past the rage and self-loathing of a deity, so the search continues.

Virtues for his followers are Angry and Honorable.

Common Divine Magic:  Initiate, Sanctify, Worship Dorgha Torgu Special Divine Magic:  Dismiss (all elementals), Retribution, Seal gate.

Associated Gods

lstus: provides Avoid Fate

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Gods of the Bakluni: Chan for RQ/Greyhawk

From: Tal Meta [talmeta@BELLATLANTIC.NET] Sunday, October 04, 1998 9:54 PM GREYTALK@mitvma.mit.edu

Subject: Gods of the Bakluni

[GREYTALK] DMD - Chan for RQ/Greyhawk

(Nods to  Vashnaar Mithruin, whose Mages to Genies idea I'm borrowing, and Will McPhereson, whose  previous writeup of Chan I borrowed a few concepts from.)

CHAN (The Court of Air) Runes: Air, Mastery, Magic

Chan is the Princess of Djinn, The Whisperer, and Chancellor of the Court of Air. She is also known  as the Mistress of Secrets.

Cult in the World

Like Ben-Hadar, Chan was a vassal of Dorgha Torgu, and was elevated to her position so that she  might better instruct mortals in the magics and the proper dealings with the residents of her realm.

In mythology, Chan opposes her evil brother, Yan-C-Bin in an eternal war of plot and counter-plot. 

Rather than engage one another in open warfare, they endlessly try to maneuver one another into  making that final mistake that willspell the other's doom.

Chan's followers observe the 14th of Coldeven as their High Holy Day, with lesser services on the 

7th and 21st of each month. Chan's temples are comprised of four tall towers, each painted deep blue at ground level, lightening to a pale  blue to white near their pinnacles. Tower complexes are set (when possible) away from other  structures at the highest point of the landscape.

Chan's mage-priests wear abas of pale gray, and do not wear any sort of headgear.

Lay Membership

Requirements: Lay members of this cult are considered students, and are treated in all ways as 


They are taui;jht the following skills: Sing, Speak Languages, Disguise, Human Lore, Geme (Djinn) Lore, Magic Lore, Read/Write Languages, World Lore,  Play (Wind) Instrument, Listen, Sneak,  Ceremony, and 1H Sword attack/parry.

Sorcery Arts and Magick Manipulations are learned as skills, and the Arts of Intensity, Maintain,  Multispell, Range, Accuracy, Ease, Force, and Reinforce.(Lay members are not taught any Arts except Intensity).

Chan's High Vow requires that her followers must refrain from eating the flesh of birds, may not  use anything made from birds (pillows stuffed with down, for example). Her followers must never raise their voices except in song, are  bound to always strain to hear and take notice of the slightest sound.

Initiate Membership

Requirements: Standard, though must possess and INT of 16 or higher. Chan's initiates are called  the Wind Seekers, and are considered journeymen in their craft, and are accorded all the  responsibilities and benefits of that position. In addition to their magical duties, Wind Seekers  are sent out into their communities to collect information, preferably secret information, and pass  it along to higher members of the cult for collation.

All of Chan's followers function as Air Warlocks, (i.e. skill/5 for air related magic) no matter  what their specialization. Those who choose to specialize as air warlocks use skill/3.

Note:  Chan's cult does not offer spirit magic to it's followers.  Instead, they utilize a form of  magic known as lekari, that employs eight spheres and eight runes. Followers of Chan are bonded to  the sphere of air, but may select whatever runic association they please. Knowlege of a sphere and a rune in this fashion does not affect the initiate's Free INT for  purposes of memorizing spells, or their vow of the Vessel.

Acolyte Membership

Requirements: as per Priests. Known as Wind Gatherers, Chan's acolytes are generally accepted as  having achieved adept status as sorcerers or magicians.

Gatherers are expected to collate the secrets and other information gained by the Seekers beneath  them, and pass on their findings to their priests for further action. They are also expected to help maintain and protect the cult's archives.

Rune Lord Membership

Requirements:  Standard. Chan's Rune Lords are divided into two orders, the StormKnights, and the  Unseen. These two groups of adept to near-magus sorcerers serve their cult in very different fashions.

The StormKnights fight against the enemies of the cult, as well as serve as temple and archive guards. When they must strike, they do so as quietly as possible, eschewinl! armor. Like the fabled ninja, StormKnights endevour to strike silently and without warning, like a bolt of lightning from out of the blue sky.

The Unseen specialize in the arts of stealth, and are masters at uncovering secrets. Unseen  operatives often lead groups of initiates on special missions. Like their bretheren in the  Knighthood, silence istheir watchword, but for a different purpose.


Requirements:  Standard. Known as the WindBorn, Chan's priests are also accepted as magus sorcerers.

Chan's priesthood preaches vigilance, honesty, and is always on the watch for threats to their cult and community. Priests undertake the study of Enlightenment, a mental discipline simlar to Illumination.

Due to their penchant for knowing and learning secrets, Windborn are often.sought as advisiors by the heads of merchant houses, theivesguilds, and heads of state alike. That they will learn as many (or more) secrets than they reveal is the two-edged sword such employers must be prepared to accept.

Virtues for Chan's cult include: Curious, Honest, Manipulative, and Vigilant.

Common Divine Magic:  all

Special Divine Magic:  Analyze Magic, Command Sylph, Detect Truth, Increase Wind, Skywatch, Summon (Djinn, Sylph}, Vigilance, Wind Warp.

Sorcery Notes: Common vows for this cult include Abjure (Alcohol, Armor, Arts G/L, Ceremony, Servitude), Adulation, Fasting, Flee Water, Humility, Illumination, Pacifism, Rituals, Shun (Water, Earth), Silence, Tend Familiar.

Common speicalties include Autotheist, Battlemage, Conjurer, Healer, Illusionist, Monitor, Warlock of Air, and Weather Mage.

Spirit of Retribution

Skriax: The skriax are actually a unique type of sylph. They take the form of a small whirlwind, loaded with sand and debris.

Whenever a follower of Chan commits an offense against her, somewhere in the world a skriax is  created. Slowly these skriax come together, until at last they find the offender and attack.

For each skriax that has come together with the others, the size of the skriax increases by 1 cubic  meter, and all of it's stats are similarly increased. Offenders engulfed by a skriax are blinded by the flying debris, and take damage equal to 1d8 per cubic meter of the skriax each round.

Associated Gods

Qozomal: provides Lightning Xan Yae:  provides Reflection Zann: provides Reconstruction Djinni

Ancient legends among the Bakluni say that centuries prior to the Twin Cataclysms, Warlocks serving  the Elemenal Courts infused themselves with their chosen element, becoming wild and strange to  their fellows until they merged with the Element they had chosen, and became the first members of the various genie  races.

Whether this is true or merely a fanciful legend, none now can say; whether the most ancient  temples of these gods still contain the formulae for such transformations or not is similarly  unknown. What is known is that the Fate of the Bakluni is definitely tied to the genie  races, for good or ill.

Djinni are the type of genie most closely associated with the element of air. More than just  intelligent sylphs, djinrn are the nobility of the Plane of Air.

Djinni are typically powerful spellcasters, utilizing air spells at their.skill/2.

Characteristics         Average STR     6d6              18-24

SIZ             24

INT     5d6             15-20

POW     6d6              18-24

HP              24

AP              6

Move             20

In addition to their spells, djinni can create a powerful whirlwind of air, a cone that is 1m  across at it's base, rising 12m high, and 10m across at it's peak.

Djinni can either use this whirlwind for travel or attack; as a travelling device, it doubles the  djinn's movement (to 40) and provides 12 AP vs. attacks.

As a weapon, it picks up a number of targets equal to the djinn's STR, and does damage equal to his  damage bonus each round to all caught within.

The most famous ability of djinni, however, is their knowledge of any secret spoken where a breeze  was blowing., as well as their ability to grant wishes. Truth be known, but one in a hundred djinn  has the latter power, and those that do are loathe to grant them.

In either case, a bound djinn need but tell three secrets (or grant three wishes, if such is within  his power), after which he is freed of all other obligations.

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Bleredd for RQ/Greyhawk

Gods of the Bakluni


Runes: Earth, Heat, Stasis

Tai Meta [talmeta@BELLATLANTIC.NET] Friday, October 02, 199811:50 PM GREYTALK@mitvma.mit.edu

[GREYTALK] DMD - Bleredd for RQ/Greyhawk

Bleredd is the god of metals, mines, and smiths. He is the son of Zaan and Selan, and brother to Jaahar.

Cult in the World

Bleredd is the Forgemaster; it is said that there is no metal he cannot temper.

Unlike most of his brothers, Bleredd sought a mate outside of his lands, returning with the lovely Ulaa, goddess of gems (to the envy of his sister, Jaahar, who has  similar interests).

Bleredd's followers hold the 5th of Ready'reat as their Holiest of Days, with lesser holidays on the 5th and 22nd of each month. Bleredd's temples differ from most in that they are built of quarried stone, but boast a hammered metal shell that encases the rock.

Bleredd's priests wear simple blacksmith's garb, though generally somewhat finer and better kept than actual work-wear.

Lay Membership

Requirements: Blredd's faith appeals mainly to miners, smiths, and others who work with metal. 

Apprentices of such trades are commonly found among the lay membership.

Skills taught by the cult include Craft (all smithcraft), Evaluate, Mineral Lore, World Lore, Devise, Search, Ceremony, and Hammer attack.

Initiate Membership

Reqyirements: Standard. Initiates of this cult are commonly found as journeymen in their trades,  though in sparesely populated areas they can command the same prices as masters.

Spirit Magic:  Bludgeon, Extinguish, Heat Metal, Ignite, Mighty Blow


Requirements:  Standard. Bleredd's pristhood are all master smiths, mine foremen, and the like.

Sought out for their quality goods, Blredd's priesthood is among the

wealthiest in the regions that it dominates. Virtues for his followers include: Creative, Proud, Social and Stubborn.

Common Divine Magic:  all

Special Divine Magic:  Enchant (metal), Enhance (Gustbran, Mahome), Sure Hammer

Associated Gods

Ulaa: provides Command Gnome

talm ta@bellatlantic.net - I *am• one of the Chosen Few! ICQ: 12594453

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