Monday, October 19, 2020

Greyhawk 2000 Tharizdun

 From: Michael Sears [armitage@MHCABLE.COM]

Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:22 PM


Subject: [GREYTALK] Greyhawk 2000 Tharizdun

I just joined the list, so I don't know if this has been mentioned. I didn't see it in the archive ...

I was just rereading the Greyhawk 2000 adventure "Alterations" in Dungeon #83 and noticed  something disturbing. The adventure mentions Millexium, a magical mineral that only exists in the nuked portions of Iuz's former kingdom. It has the power to enhance spacial manipulation spells and it is described as: " ... a small chip of crystal-embedded rock with a characteristic purple and black swirling pattern."

Purple and black magical rock. .. bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about that, but then I just finished going through a 3e conversion of Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun. I suspect that widespread use of Millexium in DIM Rifles would be a bad thing.

Millexium for a standard campaign:

Millexium is a magical mineral that is only created when powerful (8th-level or higher) destructive Evocation magic interacts catastrophically with equally powerful Summoning magic. As a result, most samples have been recovered from the Suloise ruins in the Sea of Dust. All known samples have been no larger than a typical coin and ld6 chips are found in a normal deposit.

Millexium has the ability to enhance any magical effect dealing with the manipulation of space, e.g. Teleport, Dimension Door, Leomund's Secret Chest, Bag of Holding. If a chip is used as a Focus when casting a spell or incorporated into a magic item, the spell's range or area of effect is increased by a factor of 4. (Dimension Door Range 1600 ft.+ 160 ft/level, L's SC 4 cubic feet/level, etc). If a spell has no range, its general effectiveness is quadrupled or its drawbacks are quartered, judged by the DM. e.g. Teleport to a casually seen area has a 12% chance of being off target. With Milexium, it becomes 3%. If such a spel causes damage, Millexium automatically Empowers it, as the Feat.

Unfortunately, the true source of Millexium's power is the imprisoned god Tharizdun. Cultists refer to the material as Tharizdun's Blood and it is integral to the sanity-twisting effects often found in his temples. If a character uses Millexium a number of times greater than their Wisdom bonus (or 1, whichever is higher) in a single week the power of Tharizdun begins to warp their mind. The character gains an Insanity Score (see Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil) of 0.5, increasing by 0.5 for each additional week that they overuse Millexium. If a cleric gains an Insanity Score equal to half their level, they immediately convert to worship of Tharizdun and gain all benefits as appropriate. A non-cleric with a comparable Score becomes an insane follower of Tharizdun but gains no advantages, only the penalties, although they may begin taking levels as a cleric. Until conversion occurs, the character suffers the Insanity Score penalties to Saves and Skill Checks as appropriate.

A Heal spell removes 1 point of Insanity Score and Greater restoration removes 2. Neither has any effect on a fully convereted character.

Michael Sears

"No turning back where the end is in sight.

There's a job to be done, a fight to be won."

Furyondy Kings

 De: Richard Diioia <ricdii@Y AHOO.COM>


Objet: [GREYTALK] Furyondy kings

Date : mardi 11 janvier 2000 19:51

I thought some of you may be interested in the lineage of Furyondy kings. Certain dates used are my own creation as canon sources are very vague.

Thrommel I (viceroy Stinvri) p22 of 1983 guide: From 254 (canon) to 282 (non-canon)

Hugh I: 283 (canon) to 310 (non-canon)

Hugh II: 311 (non-canon) to 347 (non-canon)

Belvor I: 348 (non-canon) to 372 (non-canon)

The lost kings: 373 (non-canon) to 469 (canon)

Belvor II (aka Avras III) (many references): 470 (canon) to 512 (canon)

Hugh III (p19 of 1983 guide): 512 (non-canon) to 525 (non-canon). It is known he ruled a few decades after 483 (p19 of 1983 guide)

Thrommel II (p21 of 1983 guide): 526 (canon) to 530 (non-canon)

Belvor III: 531 (non-canon) to 536 (non-canon)

Lord Throsten (regent for Belvor IV): 537 (canon) to 542 (canon)

Belvor IV (many references): 542 (canon) to present

A little explanation here. The lost kings are names of kings that don't appear anywhere. Where I could I used names of later kings and reduced the number after their names (i.e. if there was a Belvor IV there must have been a I, II, III). As for Belvor II/ Avras III this is a confusion from two different canon sources that each say one of these individuals ruled during those dates.

To try to make sense ofthis I propose the following. During the era of the lost kings, the rulership of the land was a political free-for-all. As Belvor I died without a heir, but many bastard sons, the kingship was given to whoever had the most political backing at the time. After almost a decade of this in-fighting one poweful ruler Avras III took over the kingship. To signify an end to the feuding he changed his name to Belvor II and claimed that the lineage started over with him.

Because of the century of feuding though, the powers of the Furyondy kings was diluted and the seven noble families were able to gain a lot of power. It has taken another century for the Furyondy kings to regain a semblance of the power they used to have and even now they do not hold absolute power (as per the Marklands ).

Let me know what you think.

Richard Di Ioia

Against the Giants: Combined Chronology (Draft 1)

 From: Jason Verbitsky [hierax@HOME.COM]

Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 1 :54 AM


Subject: [GREYTALK] Against the Giants: Combined Chronology (Draft 1)

The chronologies from the various versions of the _Against the Giants_ modules and the _Greyhawk Wars_ etc., unsurprisingly, aren't entirely consistent; but, regardless, I'm trying to sort out the mess into a single chronology of the 'Giant Troubles'; here's what I've got so far:

'Go ahead, punk, make my day', tear this chronology apart and let's put in back together, OK? I look forward to your feedback if you aren't too busy pissin' and moan in' about 3rd ed. D&D and the RPGA let's get back to talkin' hawk (about the time clock)!




583 CY FIRESEEK (Winter)

Sakhut giant's cloud islands cross southern Crystalmists.

Shortly thereafter, Goroda began bending the lesser giants to her will to attack the human lands. (AtG:tloG 4)


Winter respite allows armies of luz and Furyondry to reprovision their forces (GW 11, 14)

584 CY FIRESEEK (Winter)

Treaty of Niole Ora to aid Furyondy against luz (GW 15)


Allied armies march forth to Aid Furyondy (GW 15)

Turrosh Mak's Pomarj armies take the field (GW 15)

GOODMONTH (High Summer)

Ket attacks Bissel (GW 20)

Word of Pomarj attack reaches Ulek army (GW 20)

After several months of coordinating the giant alliance and several more months of planning, Goroda's armies invade Geoff, Sterich, and the Yeomanry establishing themselves as the new rulers of Geoff and Sterich but being repelled by the Yeomen. They spent Goodmonth gorging themselves on crops and livestock. This state of wealth and confidence lasted almost two years. (GW 20, AtG:tloG 4-5)

King Skotti of Keoland negotiates with, Querchard, the Earl of Sterich (GDQ 10, 15; GW 20)

Allied armies marched when spring (Readying) came (GW 15)

Black Bubble Appears over lstivin ending negotiations (GDQ 15)

Sterich falls (GW 20)

Sea Prince Nobles Assassinated (GW 23)

Gradsul Blockaded (GW 23)

SB/SP army crosses the Hool Marshes (GW 23-24)

Scarlet Brotherhood calls for peace (GW 24)

HARVESTER (High Summer)

Great Council convened (GW 24)

585 CY READYING (Spring)

Armies from Keoland, Gran March, and the Duchy of Ulek march forth from the Keoish city of Flen to liberate giant-held Sterich. (AtG:tLoG 5; GH:tAB 35)


Day of Great Signing, Greyhawk Wars 'officially' end (GW 24)

586 CY Hochoch liberated by the Knights of the Watch and troops from Gran March {LoG 5)

587 CY PATCHWALL (Autumn)

Slowly the vengeful armies from Keoland, Gran March, and the Duchy of Ulek drove on through Fitela and lstivin, finally removing the last major giant stronghold in Sterich. (AtG:tLoG 5)

588 CY COLDEVEN (Spring)

The march continued westward, ousting the giants one villageat a time, until they finally liberated the last giant-occupied human settlement in Sterich. (GH:tAB 35, AtG:tLoG 5)

590 CY

591 CY Hochoch and parts of the Oytwood are annexed by Gran March as a base to attack the giants in Geoff. Humans and giants are stalemated. {AtG:tLoG 5)


After the Treaty of Niole Dra (spring), then the Kettish invasion is mentioned as dated to Goodmonth, and after this the giants attacked in force, so GDQ1-7 would begin in Goodmonth of 584 CY. In fact, I'd say it would be farily early in the month to still allow time for the SB to act against the SP (and have a fortnight to get ships to the HotSP), Keoland, and call a truce by Harvester. Fortunately, the 'several months' and 'several more' in the new module (AtG:tLoG 4) allow for a certain amount of flexibility [mind you, I haven't finished reading the new 'Giants' module, so please feel free to point out anything I've missed. Heck, I don't care so long as I find out what's right and what's not.]


Gygax, Gary. G1-3: AGAINST THE GIANTS (AtG). 1981.

Cook, David, & Grubb, Jeff. GDQ1-7: QUEEN OF SPIDERS (GDQ), 1986.

Cook, David. GREYHAWK WARS (GW). 1991.


Brown, Anne. PLAYER'S GUIDE TO GREYHAWK (PGtGH). June, 1998.

Moore, Roger. GREYHAWK: THE ADVENTURE BEGINS (GH:tAB). July, 1998.


Well, that's it for tonight, folks, I really gotta get some sleep. Tell me what you think; how can I improve this rough chronology?



Thursday, October 15, 2020

Aerdi Overkings, version 2.0

 From: Taras Guarhoth [guarhoth@VEI.NET]

Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 3:03 AM


Subject: [GREYTALK] Aerdi Overkings, version 2.0

Ok, it's been a while since I first posted this, but, well, here's version 2, after learing of another potential Overking from some Ravenloft novel (see the footnotes) and a suggestion or two from a certain lurking individual who goes by the name of Gary Holian (who REALLY ought to post).

Comments and suggests (espically about changing some of the names) are welcomed and encouraged.

Aerdi Overkings

1 CY 32 CY Nasran Cradnen [1]

32 CY 66 CY Serrand Cranden

66 CY 75 CY Tenmeris Cranden [2]

75 CY 86 CY Yalranda Cranden [3]

86 CY 95 CY Manshen Rax-Nyrond [4]

95 CY 122 CY Erhart I Rax-Nyrond [5]

122 CY 136 CY Toran I Rax-Nyrond

136 CY 181 CY Erhart II Rax-Nyrond [6]

181 CY 213 CY Jirenen Rax-Nyrond

213 CY 247 CY Corazell Rax-Nyrond

247 CY 286 CY Edron Rax-Nyrond [7]

286 CY 301 CY Toran II Rax-Nyrond

301 CY 305 CY Erhart Ill Rax-Nyrond

305 CY 329 CY Toran Ill Rax-Nyrond

329 CY 355 CY Toran IV Rax-Nyrond

355 CY 396 CY Portillan Rax(-Nyrond) [8]

396 CY 404 CY Galren Rax [9]

404 CY 407 CY Sonnend Rax [1 O]

407 CY 419 CY Montand Rax

419 CY 436 CY Grendemmen Rax

436 CY 437 CY Nalif Rax [11]

437 CY 446 CY lnserruction - No Overking

446 CY 494 CY lvid I Naelex [12]

494 CY 497 CY lvid II Naelex [13]

497 CY 526 CY lvid 111 Naelex

526 CY 556 CY lvid IV Naelex

556 CY present lvid V Naelex [14]


[1] lvid the Undying - First Overking, crowned in 1 CY.

[2] lvid the Undying - Grandson of Nasran, died in 75 CY, and was succeeded by his wife, Yalranda.

[3] lvid the Undying - Only Overqueen. Wife of Tenmeris. Lived to be only 40.

[4] lvid the Undying - Eldest son of Yalranda, took the last name Rax-Nyrond.

[5] Dragon 230 "The Orbs of Dragonkind" - was on the throne in 98 CY.

[6] It stands to reason that since there was an Erhart I, there needs to be an Erhart II somewhere in here.

[7] Apparently, the Ravenloft novel "King of the Dead", which I don't own, seems to indicate that there was someone named Edron as Overking in the year 283 CY.

[8] lvid the Undying - Was on the throne at the time of Nyrond s rebellion.

[9] lvid the Undying - Son and heir to Portillan. A half-wit.

[10] lvid the Undying - Son and heir to Galren. A drunkard.

[11] lvid the Undying - Last Rax Overking, assassinated (presumably) by lvid I.

[12] lvid the Undying - First Naelex Overking. Ruled for 48 years.

[13] lvid the Undying - Ruled for 3 years.

[14] lvid the Undying - Became the Overking in 556 CY. Fifth Naelex Overking.

Rax/Rax-Nyrond - The 83 boxed set clearly states that it was house Rax that sat on the throne. lvid the Undying states that it was Rax-Nyrond. I d chalk this up to a Sargent error, but, it actually serves a purpose. The 83 boxed set also states that three houses ruled prior to House Naelex, so, if we count Rax and Rax-Nyrond as two different houses, and assume that starting with Overking Portillan, the -Nyrond was dropped to distance the remaining scions of House Rax from their rebellious junior branch, we get three houses. Incidentally, that d make Portillan the last Rax-Nyrond Overking, and the first Rax Overking.

Sea Princes history

 From: Creighton Broadhurst [creighton@EASYNET.CO.UK]

Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 4:57 AM


Subject: [GREYT ALK] history of the Sea Princes

as Mr Schmit has thrown the gauntlet down and i was the one who "dared" him to opst some material, i post below my (almost) finished history of the Sea Princes. Personally i like to stick to canon as much as possible and so most of the people/events are sourced from various canon publications including Treasures of the Flanaess, UK1, 2 and 3, the Scarlet Brotherhood Accersory, From the Ashes boxed set and the World of Greyhawk boxed set. Note in my campaign the Korinn Archipelago extends southward from Fairwind Isle southward towards the Amedio Jungle effectively cutting off Jerlea Bay.

If anyone is interested in receiving a fnished draft (eventurally) please let me know. Also if I have missed any Sea Princes references please let me know.

And i finish with a question: I know the Sea Princes practise slavery but do you think they have an arena for gladiatorial combat? I have decided so in my campaign and a player has started to build a scale model which we plan to take to conventions. If anyone is interested in my take on this just let me know and i will post what i have. (It is an entertaining way to spend an evening, and for new players to learn the mechanics of game play)


A minor Suel house, the Monui, fleeing the Rain of Colourless Fire through Slerotin s tunnel in -41 ?CY and finding itself at the mercy of larger and better armed groups of Suel and Oeridians sailed to the east and found several large islands. They elected to settle and explore the islands intermingling with the indigenous population. For the next several hundred years history tells nothing about them but they prospered on the islands, learning the arts of seamanship and building many sleek hulled ships. Ancient Keoish records circa 200CY speak of several ships reputed from the region, which traded pearls with them for metals.

Other tribes, including the Hokki, fled southward towards the Amedio Jungle, attacking all that stood in their way. The Hokki were the last tribe to traverse the area and discovering it almost free of opposition elected to settle it.

Circa -200CY many kinglets and fiefs occupied the land that would become to be known as the Hold of the Sea Princes. 2 fledgling kingdoms occupied the southwestern portion of this land. To the west the Grand Dukes of Berghof, progeny of the original flan inhabitants, lived in the fertile and lush hills that tumbled down from the Hellfurnaces. To their east lived their hereditary foes the Barons of Hokar descendants of the Hokki. These 2 groups warred sporadically; the Hokki coveting the lush and fertile hills of Berghof. The only way into Berghof was through Gann Pass. The Suel were stronger, constantly trying to force the Pass and so the Grand Dukes built Adlerberg Keep to deny it to them.

The Hokki constructed, with the aid of a mage with ambitions as dark as his soul, The Gauntlet; a potent magic item designed to destroy the Keep. Discovering this the Grand Dukes built The Sentinel to defend the Keep and gave it to a succession of mages who styled themselves The Guardians. The Sentinel allowed the Grand Dukes to keep the Suel at bay. The 2 nations traded with each other in between sporadically fighting in Gann Pass.

So well had the Monui adapted to conditions on the islands that by 250CY they were becoming overcrowded. Some elected to travel to the south and explore the large archipelago that lay there although only the nearest, Sybarate was colonised the rest being small, storm tossed or unfertile. Accounts from sea captains of the time indicate that they had discovered the Amedio Jungle a hundred years previously but had not landed in strength.

Other more indiscriminate Suel took to raiding the sea traffic that strayed to close to their islands, much of it originating in the Barony of Hokki. (To this day the occupants of the islands tend to be hot blooded and quick tempered).

These privateers began to call themselves the Sea Princes after Aquillius Monui a very successful pirate captain who was descended from the original leaders of House Monui. They began to cross the shallow water separating them from the mainland with increasing frequency and to colonise the coastal areas commencing around 289CY. Monmurg was settled in 294CY, with Port Joli following 5 years later after the discovery of a deep and sheltered bay. With the founding of Port Joli as a base to better strike at Hokki ships traversing Jerlea Bay the Sea Princes precipitated full-scale war. For several years the war ground on neither side gaining an advantage. The Sea Barons interdiction of Hokki trade vessels began to tell and in the final campaign (306CY) the Sea Princes captured Hokar.

Inspired by tales of verdant grassland beyond the mountains the Sea Princes launched several assaults on Adlerberg Keep (310-330CY), which were as successful as the Hokki assaults before them. Deeming the land of Berghof no threat to their burgeoning power the Sea Princes made peace with them and traded food for metals and other essentials.

While Keoish eyes were fixed on the north (350CY 360CY, the Short War) the Sea Princes became emboldened by their lack of opposition and began to raid the coast from Gradsul to Grygax. Keoish reverses on land and the loss of many of their client states forced a change in position of their foreign policy so much that by the mid 400sCY the Sea Princes were viewed as Keolands greatest threat. Keoland therefore began to fortify its southern borders and to rebuild its navy.

In 382CY the 4th Prince of Monmurg, Derik Drakkonheart, came to the throne. He was a mage of surpassing power who became a fighter so that he could better lead his people in battle. He worshipped Kelanen, Prince of Swords and became the leader of the church. It was rumoured that because of the level of perfection he achieved as a warrior he actually became the Avatar of Kelanen. His eldest son Peranius was the first of the family line to not be intellectually gifted and Derik became worried as to who would lead his people after he was gone.

To be assured that his son would have a wise advisor he created the Sword of the Dragon. This mammoth task took him a year and when he returned he was a shadow of his former self. He died 2 years later but the sword survived him and helped his son to rule wisely.

By 446CY the Sea Princes were not only ravaging the coast from Gradsul to Gryrax and beyond but they were also raiding lands such as the Pomarj (under the rule of the Principality of Ulek) and distant Scant. Their ships also probed as far east as the Tilva Strait.

In 453CY the Keoish fleet, augmented by a squadron of Ulek warships met the Sea Princes in battle north of Jetsom Island. The battle was a draw; the Sea Princes inflicted heavy casualties on the Keoish ships but where forced to retreat in the face of superior Keoish morale and tactics. Minor skirmishes and actions followed but by 470CY it became evident to the wiser captains that the Keolanders would never again become so lax in their defence of the sea-lanes. They therefore appointed trusted lieutenants to command their ships and retired to their mainland estates. These lieutenants strove against the Keoish for several decades and minor actions were common in the western Azure Sea.

The descendants of Derik Drakkonheart became more reckless after the Battle of Jetsom Island as they tried to extend their domain westward. The 7th Prince of Monmurg, Marcus, lost the Sword of the Dragon and was slain during the Battle of Lost Hope in 478CY while trying to subjugate the last few independent kingdoms in the area who marked their eastern borders by the Hool River.

In 493CY Berghof joined the Sea Princes domain peacefully.

By 520CY the last of the kinglets abutting the Hellfurnaces had been absorbed into the Hold. The estates of the Holds nobles now reached the Hellfurnaces. The estates had grown so vast however that there was a shortage of workers to till them and so the nobles cast about for another source of labour. The first expeditions landed on the Amedio coast around 530CY having explored the Olman Islands the year before. They immediately started to explore the vast jungles, enslaving all the natives they came across and killing any that resisted. Many were sent to the Hold to work on the plantations or in the few mines in the Kamph Mountains. Many died from disease, malnutrition and the brutalities of their overseers. Still more were kept in their native lands clearing vegetation, picking fruit or working in the mines the Sea set up in the Hellfurnaces to the west. Several forts were established on the coast. Some chiefs organised attacks against the invaders but these were in the main ineffective, the superior defences and battle magic of the Holders being more than a match for native courage. Some tribes took advantage of the situation catching and selling their enemies to the Sea Princes for metal weapons, cheap jewellery and alcohol.

By 546CY the Holders controlled the peninsula known as the Hook and all the land bounded by the River Bodal to the west and the Havekijhu River to the south. They also controlled the coast to the west of this all the way to the Hellfurnaces and raided further south into the Densac Ocean. They even came into occasional (violent) conflict with the inhabitants of the Pirate Isles.

In 583CY Korenth Zan sent an ultimatum to the rulers of the Hold stating simply Submit to the Scarlet Brotherhood or be destroyed. The nobles refused and were presented with a list of minor nobles of the realm. Before the next sunrise 27 of the 30 named on what was to become known as the Death List were dead, killed by red-robed assassins. Of the 3 survivors 2 were sorely wounded, having been saved only by the quick action of their bodyguards.

In 584CY the Scarlet Brotherhood arrived in the Amedio Jungle and immediately imprisoned most of the slavers, throwing them into the same holds as their human prey. Almost all perished. The Brqtherhood began to recruit among the Suel natives, promising them weapons, a place in the armies of the Brotherhood and, most importantly, freedom. Thousands accepted this offer and were transported to the Hold.

Attacks launched from the Hold through the Hool Marshes and into Keoland using native troops initially met with some success but their progress was halted by the elves of the Dreadwood. Despite reinforcements sent by Hammandaturian the elves held the savages in the woods. Sensing that he would soon over-reach himself the Father of Obedience ordered a halt to these actions. In the Hold Brotherhood agents began to suppress the Holders with a series of new laws. New temples were raised in all the major population centres to the deities of the Brotherhood and native troops were used to maintain order.

Throughout the following years the slaving operations the jungles to the south continued with many new troops being accepted from among the racially acceptable individuals captured. This increased military might allowed the Brotherhood to hold its new border against a series of determined Keoish probes.

In the summer of 589CY several minor Brotherhood agents discovered the grim news that the Father of Obedience had allowed the loss of ldee and Onnwal. They sent the native troops under their command into the street of the capital, Monmurg, to take control of the city. Loyalists slew or captured the leaders of the attempted coup by the end of the day but by then the savages were out of control, looting, burning and fighting throughout the city. Inspired by this slaves rose up against their masters and within a fortnight fighting was widespread across the whole country. Taking advantage of the sudden lack of opposition on its southern border Keoland forced a passage through the Hool Marshes and captured the city of Westkeep in 590CY. Keoland s navy also keeps up the pressure on the Holds seaboard, interdicting as much traffic as possible from the east as all ships docking in the Hold were considered to be the Brotherhood s.

At the outset of 591 CY vicious fighting raged across the Hold. The Brotherhood controls the cities of Monmurg and Port Joli and the major islands through the use of tyrgs, mages and their savage armies. The Olman led by their priests, dominate the west of the Hold where they were formally employ tending the various plantations and farms found there. The central portion of the land is ruled by an alliance of commoners, middle class folk and freed slaves led by surviving minor nobles.

Taking Westkeep was the easy part of the operation as King Kimbertos discovered early in 591 CY. The city is almost surrounded by swamps teeming with disease and hostile natives. Supplying his troops is becoming extremely difficult but Skotti refuses to retreat, believing he can still force the Brotherhood from the Hold through land campaigns. Keoland s elite naval squadrons also continue to be a thorn in the Brotherhood s side.

Odd Alley

 From: Erik Larson [pinback@XSITE.NET]

Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 7:37 PM


Subject: Re: [GREYTALK] Need some help

I'll give it a try. From the opening of "The Weird Occurrence in Odd Alley:"

"Odd Alley, an area within Greyhawk's Old City, was so difficult to locate that most citizens fo the metropolis were unaware of its existence ... "

(Night Arrant, p. 50)

"It had taken [Gord and Chert] hours of searching, walking through the twists and turns of the mazelike lanes and alleys of Old City ...

"They probably would never have located the area save for the fact that they happened to end up in just the right location as the last rays of the setting sun illuminated the close and the passage leading from it."

I reckon you could place it wherever you want, as long as its hard to find and in Old City. If you already have some of the places below detailed it would be somewhere in amongst them, with no apparent way in. Might as well get the party good and lost, then spring it on 'em. I reckon that would be just as faithful to Gary's prose as anything. ;)

Some places you may like to use once the party finds themselves there:

" ... There is the junk store run by that miserly half-elf Scriggin, the used clothing shop, Freedle's Librarium, the potter's booth, the Sunken Grotto Tavern, the money changer's stall, Green Wulfurt's apothecary, the crazy limner's place, Zreed's Antiquary ... " (Night Arrant, p. 56).

Empire of Keoland Part 2 of 5 or 6


Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 1998 12:18 PM

To: 'MPGN'

Subject: [GREYHAWK] Empire of Keoland Part 2 of 5 or 6

Empire of Keoland






Wayfarers Guide to the Empire of Keoland

City and Territory Officials of the Empire of Keoland

Emperor: Adon E' Kieron

Northeastern Plains Territory:

Northeastern Plains Territory: Secretary of State Broderick A' Nand

Niole Dra: Prime Minister Perlandra D' Ocerus (f)

Draco Dra: Privy Counselor Claransa S' Jerianser (f)

Hack's Hamlet: Counselor Karl K' luss

Tombstone: Mayor Rathyka

White Crown: Mayor in Transit Lt. Jamie Front of the GreenMasks

Teckla Republic:

Teckla Republic: Duke Rahal J' Hagelen

Dragaera City and Castle Uttik: Duke Rahal J' Hagelen

Margom: Assemblyman Kol-Nak the Seer (1/2 Hill Giant)

Merchang: Mayor Julie G' Gunar

Pepperfield: Council of Three (members have been unnamed to outsiders)

People's Palace: People's Governor John E' Kaneen

Erythane: Lord Krogada Erythane

Deppa's Fang: Mayor Kalim D' Eneba

Nenko: Prime Minister Duriath (1/2 elf)

D' Keira Barony:

D' Keira Barony: Baron Cornam Blackstaff (a dwarf from Gyrax) and Baron Fritz e' Gylen of Rossland

Gradsul: nobody has become official since the sacking of the city by the Sea Princes

Kayrupt: Governess Barracius D' Eitica (f)

Bluffs Keep: Father Korkiktodeua (Priest of Pholtus)

Eastman's March-Watch: Watch Lord High Marquis Gerdek Ubul Krugel

AgaDan's Plains Territory:

AgaDans Plains Territory: Secretary of State Devon G' Ylahen

AgaDan Castle: Prime Minister Lorance M' Jozee

Rossland: Lord Marquis Dromedon K' Naital

Pinewood Hold: from 3 Goodmonth until 7 Harvester CY 585 the city lies in ruins and Mayor Elesha D' Aduliuia is found dead among ruble. Justin A'Vakor assumes Mayorship

Four Crossings: Golden Griffins from AgaDan Castle declare Martial Law

llitsa- Privy Counselor Jade A' Analan

Castle City State of San-Giti:

Castle City State of San-Giti: prior to 11 Harvester CY 585: Duke Arylea D'Akinz

Koria County:

Koria County and Vale Na: prior to 11 Harvester CY 585: Headmaster Aiklin D'Takibro the Grand Duke of Koria County and the School of Vale Na

Dukedom of E' Kieron:

Previously the Castle City State of San-Giti and Koria County, now combined as one.

Dukedom of E' Kieron: Duke Galeann E' Kieron

San-Giti: in ruins

Vale Na: rebuilding, Headmaster Erik Zeno E' Scala

Northwestern Plains Territory:

Northwestern Plains Territory: Secretary of State Torine Tristcol

Castle Beam: Count Anaxibus E' Timalta is dead

Dosandar: Counselor Jibannano is dead

Drimin: Virayana of Pholtus is dead

County of Sorvia:

County of Sorvia: Prior to 15 Planting CY 585: Count N' Var UI' Nevi-Sorvia;

After 15 Planting CY 585: Count Faenor S' Ondo-Sorvia (1/2 elf from Celene)

Aklandria: Prior to 15 Planting CY 585: Count N' Var UI' Nevi-Sorvia; After 15 Planting CY 585: Count Faenor S' Ondo-Sorvia (1/2 elf from Celene)

lchvas: Governor Siaron Lagrius (f)

Twin Oaks: Prime Minister Gylaren the Elder (elf)

North Keep Bridge: prior to 19 Harvester CY 585: Lord Marquis Quirkliun D'

Paka; After 19 Harvester CY 585: Lord Cecil Shadowborn

Sty: Governor Stuart Bandyleg of Akwazishun, Ink. (Hairfoot)

Millwood: Assemblyman Jearvosa

Silverdale: Lady Kelly Adrikillia the Druidess Duchess

Teinerdal: Mayor Kendech E' Lokengal

Benglowa: Lord Admiral Eusebius (1/2 sea elf)

Chalora: Port Master Karyn D' Krinagar

Dar-Ina: official Mariella D' Qeodar (f)

Brain: Marshal Thrankell the Firestorm Mage

Duchy of Pohotha:

Duchy of Pohotha: Duke Akesoli E' Tanarobi

Donsar: Duke Akesoli E' Tanarobi

Sandstone: Speaker Torenal D' Nurokidu (Stout)

Sandy Home County: ·

Captured Territory of the Imperial Order. All officials listed were the leaders of the area. Now it is unknown.

Sandy Home County: Count Flynn E' Tekalon

Flen: Chieftain Bifrik Ill (Dwarf)

Granite Wall Prison: Captain D' Yas E' Aasterk (Dwarf)

Granite Wall Village: Speaker Alalron E' Narzek

Ureeka: Miner Giaimo K' Hennaag (Dwarf)

Cryllor: Chieftain Dewarf Stoneshaper (Dwarf)

Lenador: Speaker Corwyn D' Mauntea

More Falcon's Bazaar [Dragon Annual #3] disclaimers

From: Noel Graham []

Sent: Sunday, November 29, 199811:17 AM


Subject: [GREYTALK] More Bazaar disclaimers

Haile and Fair Greetings All,

After a brief discussion with Cariel Mansharn yesterday evening, there seems to be a few more items in need of clarification from the Pale Falcon Traders. The Falcons apologize for any inconvenience and trust all wares to date have performed as expected.

Soft Winter and Sweet Flowers,


Another Falcon Errata

>About specific items, I feel the damage for the angon (2-20 vs. larger than man-sized if serrated) is excessive.

Of course, only the forked-blade angon can do double damage --and that's double the damage of a "standard" angon (2d6/2d8+2). Standard damage is 1d6/1d8+1 (see DRAGON Ann3, p. 97).

>Do I understand the Dwarven Stone Scroll right? Is the information on the dowel itself, with the rings serving as a combination lock to get it out?


->DWARVEN STONE SCROLL - These are cool, but as they are they are properly MAGICAL ITEMS; Sorry, I just don't buy the 'no magic short of a wish can reassemble a shattered scroll' unless it is a magical item. I'll have both magical and non-magical versions of these scrolls.

No. The info is on the discs, both along its edges and both faces. The dowel is inserted through a hole in each disc. The dowel is flanged and the holes are not necessarily in the center. If the discs are not properly aligned, when the dowel is removed, it shatters the discs.

The holes aren't necessarily very large, since the dwurfolk stress and prepare the discs to be shattered under these circumstances. Also, what it's supposed to say is that the regular ones just shatter, while the ones with miniature flame strikes can't be reassembled without a wish. Those versions *are* magical.

>ANGON - I don't see this as a barbarian weapon, but otherwise it is OK.

The spear is a very barbarian weapon, of course. Aside from that, it was the Ratikans who actually crafted the angon, which was captured and reporduced by the Frost and other barbarians. When Ratik and the Frutzii joined forces, the angon became that much more common.

By doing it this way, the angon can be "newly" introduced into a Thillonrian campaign. Otherwise, they're combat trophies. The folk of the former-Aerdi coast only know them as barbarian weapons, since they have little conflict/contact with Ratikans by comparison. Hence, how they became so associated, along with those barabarians who travailed the Corusks-Griffs to trade in the Bandit Lands.

Falcon's Bazaar (Dragon Annual #3) Errata

 From: Noel Graham []

Sent: Saturday, November 14, 1998 8:20 PM


Subject: [GREYTALK] Falcon's Bazaar Errata

Falcon's Bazaar Errata

Angon ~ the text should have read, "Although numerous incarnations have appeared since then, like the serrated and fork-bladed angons, two forms have become commonplace." The two standard forms are described in the following text: the dropped-V and trefoil-bladed versions.

As well the accompanying illustration depicts a strange weapon, indeed. The trefoil angon of Ratik has three blades radiating from what would otherwise be a central spike, rather than the jutting blades shown (though this might be yet another variant which has appeared over the decades).

Dagger Sash ~ As a hidden weapon baldric, the dagger "sash" is not actually worn about the waist at all, though a more durable weapon harness as illustrated (seep. 97) might be crafted for the same price.

Doublebow ~ a too-late revision to this item would have revised the manner in which it is strung. It should be strung using two separate, but normal casting strings. Should one break, the other remains completely useable.

Perhaps those strung according to the printed description are (imperfect) apprentice models or ones restrung in a make-shift manner (from emergency repair), one string having previously broken near the bow. This condition would impart an additional -1 to hit penalty.

Fineplate ~ Note the corrected sentence, "Among the best examples of this fineplate can be found in Verbobonc's Lord's District at the exclusive Wayfarers Hostel. Their emerald plates are carved in relief along the edges with the viscounty's COM PONY and chased with gold filigree."

Most of you will be aware than "company" is a heraldic device also known as "bordering". The Viscount's "company" would be something altogether different (I'd expect).

Gnomish Neckpurse ~ Again, the illustration is somewhat misleading. The neckpurse appears to be a fillet or headband with sufficient length to bind long hair behind the head. The small pouch described depends from this strapping beneath the bulk of the hair (and thus, gone largely unnoticed).

Gorgetal ~ While the illustration does, indeed, depict a gorgetal in its most obvious sense (and well-known knights might actually display these in common dress), the gorgetal is most often hidden from casual observation. It's considered a last-ditch defense against attacks to the neck/throat in social settings where overt wearing of armor might offend the host (indicating one has no trust in the host' guards or ability to protect guest, even as this is precisely the reason for wearing one). Keep this one in mind when those SB assassins return to the game!

Rhizian Shield Harness ~ Just a little edited here. "The northlander barbarians have developed a fighting style that allows battle use of a shield while both hands remain free*!.... The dishonorable will likewise think twice before attacking the user from behind a boon by any measure!

"*Note: The _derkest'ai_ or "dragon shield" style is a development of Kord's faithful and is taught by their whim alone. 1uffice it to say, while full, unrestricted movement is required, opponents are faced with a whirlwind assault of screaming shield-punches and flashing steel!"

Talwuc ~ A "rain tabard" rarely extends below the knees in length with little actual sleeves (though excess shoulder material will cover some portion of the upper arm). The talwuc is intended as a less-expensive, easily altered variation on the cote (certainly less than a robe) and would therefor be found amongst the rank and file of Yeomen soldiery. Any hood worn with one will be a separate item of clothing, removable after a downpour to allow ventilation and improve appearance.

Walking Stick ~ Prices given throughout the description are considered the base available in GH City. The simplest storage hollow are available from 3gp, while one whose latch mechanism is skillfully concealed by decorative carvings may cost many times more.

As might be obvious, a "kindler" pouch contains flint, steel, and "fat lighter" (sappy slivers of wood wrapped in waxed cloth, which lend themselves readily to starting fires) or "tar-tears" (small crystals of hardened tar).

Let's talk about the Free City of Greyhawk

From: Chris Jarvis (Kindred Communications) [v-cjarv@MICROSOFT.COM]

Sent: Monday, September 21, 1998 7:37 PM


Subject: [GREYTALK] Let's talk about the Free City of Greyhawk

My first question, why is the Free City where it is? Generally cities exist for a reason, what is it that caused the current site of the Free City of Greyhawk to be the place where such a city arose?

Here is my take on this question:

I would hazard that the northern shores of the Nyr Dyv have never been the most hospitable region to traverse. Even before the rise of luz, the inhabitants of this region probably did their level best to discourage commerce. The presence of Rift Canyon and whatever nasties it harbors may have contributed to this as well. And who is to say that in earlier time the Rovers didn't extent their range into the warm southlands? The Nyr Dyv itself is a chancy beast. Loathsome monsters inhabit its murky deeps. The Rhenee bargefolk are capricious and troublesome (to your average merchant). Thus having a reliable land route from the established Kingdoms (or perhaps even tribes) in the east (the Aerdy and Nyrondese) to the subject tribes/lands of the west (the Ferrand and Velondi) is of paramount importance.

The Selintan River serves as one of the primary ports of egress for the waters of the Nyr Dyv, which itself serves as the holding basin of the rivers draining from the Yatils, Clatspurs, the plateau of Ket, parts of the Barrier Peaks, the northern Lortmils, Lake Quag, Whyestil Lake, all of the northlands not dumping into the Icy Sea, the western Griff Mountains, and portions of the western Rakers. This is alot of water. (Is it any wonder that the Lake of Unknown Depths has both an eastern and western passage to the sea?) From Midbay the waters of the Nyr Dyv carve an awesome and perilous gorge probably dropping several hundred feet in elevation. (I imagine the waterlevel of the lake is quite a bit higher than the plain of Greyhawk. How much higher I wonder?) The energy of the river diminishes as it flows out onto the plain of Greyhawk. Also at this point the river encounters several chunks of the underlying resistant strata that makes up the Cairn Hills, dumps some of its effluvia! load and lazily winds its way to the sea. Beyond this point the river broadens and the banks become marshy, fording the river is possible, but bridges are really not an option. But at this point (that would be the site of Greyhawk) it is possible to bridge the river. [I know this is a severely heretical stand--but bear with me.]

So we build a bridge. We have more than enough building material to go around, as the Cairn Hills are right nearby. The resistant (okay hypothetical} chunks of strata make great anchor points for our bridge, and so hopefully we won't have to worry about it getting washed away. The Nyr Dyv serves as a great coffer damn as well. The site also turns out to be a good spot from which to launch boats down the river. From this spot we can travel overland eastward: either past Maure Castle or along the southern shore of the Nyr Dyv. And we can travel by road through the Gnarley to Dyvers (first capital of the Viceroy of Ferrand).

Okay, we have a bridge some roads and a port for river traffic. We have lots of rocks and wood nearby. The Selintan plain makes for good farmland. So we build a town, or maybe we just build a trading post first to traffic with the local inhabitants and the weird elves of the Gnarley. It is successful and a town springs up. Not everyone nearby is friendly so we establish fortifications on both sides of our bridge [Yes, another heresy, I propose that the Selintan is not so wide as to prevent building on both sides!]. And so it goes. The end result is something that more closely resembles Paris than anything else.

Well my vision of Greyhawk may be a trifle skewed and non-canon, but it sort of makes sense. If you take the Paris analogy a bit further you have a lot of stuff to draw upon. Drop a couple big cathedrals on the center river isles. Add a complex sewer system. Through in some gargoyles and you are set.

Comments, suggestions, criticism.


Chris Jarvis


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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Demoness Estes

From: Roland Lamoureux <roland@CYBERBEACH.NET>

To: ""

Date: Mon, Aug 24, 1998 12:51 AM

Subject: [GREYTALK] The Demoness Estes

Oh yes could not forget to forward this well known Demoness of Greyhawk as well, enjoy ....

>Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 17:33:39 -0400

> To: planescape@MPGN.COM, planescape@MPGN.COM

>From: Roland Lamoureux <>

>Subject: Re: [PLANESCAPE] - another new Abyssal Lord

>In-Reply-To: <>


> Here you Go folks another new, evil Tanar'ri (Demoness) Lord


>ESTES " the vile rose of the Abyss"




>Organization: Ruler of "Aenagade realm of the Abyss"

>Activity Cycle:Any





>Armor Class:-7

>Movement: 12

>Hit Dice:58 HP:356


># of Att: 2

>Special Att:Spells / summon Tanar'ri(demons)

>Special Def:lmmunities of Tanar'ri

>Magic Resistance:73%

>Size: 12' tall

>Morale: Fearless(19)

> XP Value: 86 000

>att Dam:see below

>spec Def:see below


> Estes ressembles a Horrid 12' tall mass of Bones and Flesh, covered in Black tendrils oozing in Black fluids that reek of rotten fish. Hence the title "vile rose of the Abyss" She is extremely old, having seen many of the anciant Powers when they were but young powers. She at one time had discovered a mystical well deep within the reaches of Pandomonium.


>This mystical well was a lost relic of the upper planes, hidden away by the Dark forces of Pre-creation whom had stolen it during the nether war of the anciant days. This well was the key to the stability of a host of prime worlds, its very waters were the stream of consciousness of the life therein. Realising the chance of corruption Estes absorbed this piece of Pandomonium holding the mystical well to her Abyssal realm Aenagade. Once within her grasp she slowly started to pollute the waters of the well with her vile nature.


> Within Decades the primes conected to the well began to degenerate from destrucion brought on by the Unstability of the well. For every 1000 sentient beings destroyed by her corruption a vile rose of horrid stench would bloom in Aenagade. Her Abyssal realm soom came into full bloom in the coming decades, until the mystical well of the upper planes she was corrupting had no longer any water left. At that moment all of the primes connected to the mystical well faded into oblivion.

> However the Upper Powers had felt this Great erasure of life, and traced the vampiric Tanar'ri Estes whom had been the vile creature whom had drained the life they created so long ago. Outraged the upper Powers united and banished the Abyssal Lord Estes to Carceri Forevermore. Or so they thought, because Beea'ytch has recently freed her with the help of the Abyssal lord Queen Lilith. When she was relased however she was outraged that her personal tomes were stolen by the Abyssal "Demon" Lord Pelor her former lover.


> Combat:


> When Estes must fight she merely lets her vile nature do most of the dammage. Because those whom simply look upon her vile form , must save vs death magic or suffer permenant brain dammage -1d4 int and -1d4 wis per turn, unless a save is made at which point only -1 int and wis is temporarily lost for 6 rnds. Her other ill effect comes from her stench that acts like a stinking cloud but imposes a -4 penalty to save, and has double effects. Otherwise she must fight using a swirling attack of her tendril doing 1d12+6 dammage. She can also attempt to gate in at 65% (1d6 DrudgeFiends) or 45% (1d4 Murkfiends) three times per day.


> Followers and Ressources:

> She is the uncontested Planar Ruler of Aenagade a Abyssal realm, that is still covered in fast fields of horrid stinking roses in full bloom . However she had to rout out some minor forces whom had taken pieces of her realm as their own. She had easily taken back her realm with the help of Beea'ytch and the power of The Tanar'ri Lord Queen Lilith. In return she must help Beea'tch in her scheeme to destroy Oerth and help Queen Lilith find the Abyssal Lord Pelor. Her symbol is that of a disgusting mockery of a Rose in full bloom. She is the left handed aid to the Tanar'ri Lord Queen Lilith and as such is in charge of the exterior armies of the Abyssal Empire of Queen Lilith.


>Plots and Goals:

>Estes plans on recovering the Tomes of Estes that The Demon Lord Pelor has stolen from her. She has learned that the Abyssal Lord Pelor is using the contents of the tomes as part of his religeous dogma for Oerth for his church of Pelor there. Outraged at her former lover the Abyssal Lord Pelor she has been sending many forces across the planes to try and locate his hidden realm within the Gray Waste. She is also very busy re-building her realm to her design, and together with Queen Lilith have begun the invasion plans for the realms of Grazz'zt and Panzuriel.She is alas always on edge worried the upper powers of the planes will seek her out once again for imprisonement, thus she relies heavily upon the strength of the Abyssal Empire of the Tanar'ri Queen Lilith.


>Well this is my take on the Abyssal Lady Estes "the vile rose of the Abyss"


> "Proxy Scion Herald of the Demon Lord Pelor"


>soon to come: a new Fiend race of the Gray waste "The Torezudo Fiends"




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Demoness Low Reine BEEA'YtCH"

From: Roland Lamoureux <roland@CYBERBEACH.NET>

To: ""

Date: Mon, Aug 24, 1998 12:45 AM

Subject: [GREYTALK] <DMD>Demoness "BEEA'YTCH"

Greetings folks here is a something I made for the PS list, that I thought some might find it usefull for the Greyhawk game so I decided to forward it to Greytalk. (hee hee)

>Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 12:28:12 -0400

> To:

>From: Roland Lamoureux <>

>Subject: another new Abyssal Lord

> Here you Go folks another new, evil Tanar'ri (Demoness) Lord


> The Low Reine BEEA'YTCH



>Frequency: Unique

>Organization:Planar Ruler

>Activity Cycle:Any





>Armor Class:-7

>Movement: 12

>Hit Dice:58 HP:356


>#of Att: 4

>Special Att:Spells / summon Tanar'ri(demons)

>Special Def:lmmunities of Tanar'ri

>Magic Resistance:70%

>Size: 8' tall

>Morale: Fearless(19)

>XP Value: 68 000

>att Dam:see below


> Beea'ytch is a cruel Demoness of the Abyss, she is the Low Reine of vengeance and spite. She is a despotrix of utlimate domination whom seeks utter control and obediance from those below her. She is also a close ally to Queen Lilith, whom with she has forged a pact of some sort. Unlike Queen Lilith however Beea'ytch is unconcerned with the Abyss her greatest hatred is for the Prime of Oerth. It is within that prime she has undying hatred for. She advocates not the domination and rule of Oerth but instead it's total destruction by her own contemptuous hands.




> The Low Reine Beea'ytch is a massive Pigheaded Goristrolike Female with yellow teeth and a body covered in blisters and oozing sores. When she has to deal with combat she usally employs her bare hands or gaze. When she uses her hands. Beea'ytch can attack 4 times per round.


> She can also deliver a mighty curse that provoks a rot that will end up destroying whatever she had touched in a matter of days (1 d6) if the victim fails versus poison at a -4, otherwise the only dammage done is 1 d4+6 per hand. However this attack can be cured by a remove curse spell, except if you are a native of Oerth in which case only a wish will undue the curse.


> Her other method of attack is a gaze attack that will destroy the person's will to live if the save vs death magic fails, otherwise no other ill effects take place. The affected person will be unable to do any action except sit and sulk until a remove curse is cast, except if a native of Oerth in which case only a wish can undue the effects. The only other method she can attack is by spells, of which she can cast spells as a 18th level Death mage. She can also gate in 70% (1d8 noble Lamias) and 30% (1d6 spirit nagas) both three times per day.


>Followers and Resources:

> Although she has a Abyssal realm of her own she has given all if not total control to the Tanar'ri Queen Lilith. In return for such a service Low Reine Beea'ytch was given access to a permenant passing Gate to Oerth. With such she has used it many times to wreak havoc and destruction upon that prime. She will c;1lways have with her 6 darts of paladin slaying. Often Low Reine will seek out evil folks whom have the most destructive intentions and send them to Oerth. Her symbol is that of a rotting green Dragon. She has also freed from Carceri another ally amongst the Tanar'ri Lords. A banished Tanar'ri Abyssal Lord called Estes Rose of the Abyss whom was imprisoned for a very evil crime against reality. Beea'ytch Low Reine accomplished this task with the help of the Tanar'ri Abyssal Lord Queen Lilith, whom used secret knowledge stolen from some high up to do so. So this Trinity of Feminin Tanar'ri are United in Quest of Unknown design but the Multiverse listens and waits for their firt bold move upon the Planes.


>Plots and Goals:

> Now that Beea'ytch Low Reine has freed The Tanar'ri "Demoness" Estes, she plans on using her and the Abyssal Lord Queen Lilith to create a Doom device for Oerth. She is sending many of her servants to the outer reaches of the Planes, gathering components and rare items needed to fabricate this Grinder of Doom for Oerth. She also has a high level Cultist in Sigil looking for a meeting with the Factol leader of the Doomguard, so a pact of somesort could be made. Together with her allies They plan on harnessing the energy that will be released from the destruction of Oerth.



>Well this is my take on the Abyssal Beea'ytch, Flames?



> "Proxy Scion Herald of the Demon Lord Pelor"


>soon to come: the Abyssal Lord Estes" The vile rose of the Abyss!"


Zodal for Runequest/Greyhawk

 From: Tal Meta <talmeta@BELLATLANTIC.NET>


Date: Sun, Aug 23, 1998 10:01 PM

Subject: [GREYTALK] DMD - Zodal for RQ/Greyhawk


Runes: Harmonyx2, Truth

Zodal is the god of Mercy, Hope, and Benevolence.

Cult in the World

Son of Rao, Zodal of the White Hand is the ultimate pacifist of the Flannae pantheon. Zodal stands firmly behind the other members of the Bright side of the pantheon, offering his healing aid the others in their struggles, though he prefers not to become directly embroiled in them.

Zodal's High Holy Day is the 25th of Planting, with services held every Godsday. Services to Zodal are held in churches and temples that double as hospitals in time of need.

Zodal's faithful wear white trimmed in yellow, red, or entwined red and gold.

Lay Membership

Requirements: Zodal's cult appeals to everyone with an interest in healing, hope, or good works. Lay members are expected to assist the priests in their good works, distributing food to the poor, blankets to the cold, or giving shelter to travellers in need.

Skills taught by the cult include Dodge, Swim, Sing, Animal Lore, Craft (various), First Aid, Human Lore, Plant Lore, World Lore, Devise, Listen, and Ceremony.

Initiate Membership

Requirements: In addition to the standard requirements, potential initiates are expected to take on vows of charity, chastity, and modesty. Initiates are encouraged to travel, so that they may put the skils and magic they are taught to the best use over the broadest area.

Spirit Magic: Befuddle, Ease Pain, Heal, Hibernation, Sustain, Transfer Wound, Vigor.

Acolyte Membership

Requirements: as per Priests.


Requirements: In addition to the standard requirements, potential priests of Zodal must take a vow of vegetarianism, as well as total pacifism. They may not harm another living creature, even for food.

Virtues for Zodal include: Altruistic, Calm, Spiritual, and Temperate.

Common Divine Magic: all

Special Divine Magic: Absorption, Banish Spirit, Bless Birth, Forget, Heal Body, Intervention, Regrow Limb, Restore (all except POW),

Ressurect, Shield, Turn Undead

Associated Gods

Beary: provides Earthpower

Pelor: provides Call Shanasse - I *am* one of the Chosen Few!

ICQ - 12594453

AIM - talmeta1

TANJ Lives! - <http://members.be11atlantic.neU~talmeta/>


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Notes from 1998 Gen Con Greyhawk seminar

From: Scott Casper <Scvolstagg@AOL. COM>


Date: Fri, Aug 21, 1998 6:23 PM

Subject: [GREYTALK] Notes from the seminar

Hi all!

I didn't think the responses would be so good to my GEN CON report, but since they have been, here is what I gleaned from the Why GREYHAWK Has Lasting Appeal seminar. Since I don't write fast enough to have taken this stuff down verbatim, I can only paraphrase from my notes. Hopefully, Mr. Gygax will take me to task if I have misinterpreted him in any way.

So, the following are "facts" and anecdotes, as I copied them down, from the seminar (with some additional notes I've sprinkled in which are set aside by <>):

-When Rob Kuntz was DMing, Mordenkainen (Gygax's PC) and his party managed to subdue a red dragon. They hid the dragon in a giant covered wagon and posed as merchants. Then they wandered the land for sometime waiting for wandering encounters to ambush. <This would make a very lethal, but excellently canon wandering encounter for our campaigns>

-luz is pronounced "ee-uz."

-Again while Rob Kuntz was DMing for him, Mordenkainen once raised an army of nomads and went from town to town with his army "searching for evil clerics" -- which served as an excuse for looting the town.

-Zuggtmoy is pronounced "Zugg-moy."

-Len Lafolka invented the Spindrift Isles for his campaign, as Frank Metzer created Aquaria for his, because they thought the Flanaess was boring.

-Mr. Gygax, as a DM, is very loose with campaign time. His players would often have no idea of the game year it was.

-The high-level NPCs in the Village of Hommlet were specifically designed for one of Mr. Gygax's sons. This son <I didn't catch which> would play evil PCs that stole sheep but felt guilty for it later and paid for the sheep. However, when playing good PCs, he would kill indescriminately. Thus, the NPCs were there to give him Alignment guidance. <I wish I had asked for the name of that PC>

-Wastri is the antithesis of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Wastri represents mutation, while the Brotherhood stands for racial purity.

-Mr. Gygax's early players often switched to playing evil PCs thinking that they would get more magic items that way. <This explains the Rogues Gallery, apparently> Mr. Gygax frequently arranged for PCs to lose their magic items.

-One of Mr. Gygax's sons' PCs was a magic-user who had acquired a vorpal sword in Caslte Greyhawk, and a second one on Barsoon. He could wield these ambidexterically, which made challenging him very difficult. This PC, and his paladin NPC companion, wound up travelling to a plane of the Abyss where the swords were lost. The PC turned evil in frustration, lost his paladin companion, but never did find another vorpal sword. <This story was mentioned under Fraz-Urb'laa's entry in the MMII, and received a lengthy write-up in a previous Oerth Journal>

-Mr. Gygax dislikes how long it takes to write a module. <At the World of Greyhawk Fan Club seminar, Frank Mentzer commented on how Gary just came up with the ideas and it was up to Mr. Mentzer to flesh them out.>

-Mr. Gygax described a scenario he had once seen and liked in a game while playing. There was a gem dispensing machine in the dungeon which took gold pieces and exchanged them for gems. The machine actually had a dwarf sitting inside handing out fake gems. Mr. Gygax wished he had thought that up first.

-When asked to make a wishlist for future GREYHAWK products, Mr. Gygax only suggested a "city pack" with short descriptions of numerous towns and cities from the Flanaess. <Fate of lstus without the adventures, basically>

-Mr. Gygax wishes TSR would bring back Metamorphosis Alpha. He liked it better than Gamma World, as Alpha was more surreal and versatile.

-Mr. Gygax liked Jim Ward as a DM, and played Mordenkainen in Metamorphosis Alpha, only with an illusion making him look like a female elf. <A side of Mordy that doesn't come out in the official products!>

-Mr. Gygax likes to keep the mood light in his games, and prefers to DM for a funny group.

-Rob Kuntz's last name is pronounced "Koontz."

-Nitescreed is pronounced "Nitesoil."

-The Tomb of Horrors, particularly the entrance, was designed to challenge Mr. Kuntz's PC, Lord Robilar. Robliar fell in evey pit trap, because Mr. Gygax had predicted what pattern Robilar would walk in. Robilar deduced the nature of the Sphere of Annihlation by throwing an ore into it.

-The Tomb of Horrors was successfully completed by both Lord Robilar and Tenser seperately. Tenser defeated Acererak by scooping up his skull and throwing it in a Bag of Holding.

-If Mr. Gygax had to live somewhere on Oerth, he would pick the City of Greyhawk.

-In answering my question about intended Earth/Oerth parallelism, Mr. Gygax responded that the Yeomanry equals England and the South Province would be Austria, Hungary, or Bulgaria.

-No one ever discovered the purpose of the Enigma of Greyhawk <an Ellis Island-type head sculpture on an upper level of Castle Greyhawk>, but Jim Ward's PC once cast Magic Mouth on it and had it tell Ernie Gygax's PC to give Mr. Ward's PC a magic item. The scheme worked.

And that's all I have! If I left out anything anyone else remembers, let the list know.

Scott "Volstagg" Casper

-The Warden was built by Spelljamming Yak-Men.</PRE></HTML>


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Flannae Chronology

From: Gary R Welsh <grwst6+@PITT.EDU>


Date: Fri, Aug 21, 1998 12:36 AM

Subject: Re: [GREYTALK] Flannae Chronology

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Tai Meta wrote:

> Has anyone worked out a timeline for the Flan more interesting than "so-and-so invaded Flan lands"?

I'm interested in doing so, but I haven't got around to it yet. So far, it is true that much of Flan history is defined by the invasions. My take on it has always been that the Flan led mostly peaceful, uneventful and illiterate lives prior to the invasions. Thus, their history has been recorded primarily by their conquerers, who have not been generous on details. But this doesn't have to be the whole story.

If you haven't read it yet, in the OJ1 timeline Steve ("Tamerlain") Wilson fleshed out some pre-invasion Flan history, involving a subset of the Flan he called the Ur-Flannae. In this, Steve linked Vecna to the Ur-Flannae and the Isles of Woe.

I've also seen speculation (I think from Gary Holian) that Acererak must have been Flan as well, since he ruled a kingdom in the Vast Swamp area that evidently predated the invasions. Perhaps this was another realm of the Ur-Flannae.

What I find most interesting about all of this is that it gives an added dimension to Flan culture and history. It makes the Flan out to be more than just nature-worshipping psuedo-Amerindians. Obviously, the Ur-Flannae produced some powerful sorcerers and nation-states. These eventually fell or were overthrown, and that may help to explain why the Flan may have developed a distaste for civilization and political centralization. If you add in Keith Horsfield's idea that there were no humanoids living in the Flanaess prior to the invasions from the west, then that forms a fairly decent model for how the Flan were able to live such rustic, idyllic, uneventful lives ("It's just us Flan, demihumans and some tasty potatoes -- life is good").

Going with the Amerindian analogy, the Flan could very well be related (racially speaking) to the Olman and the Almeks of the southern regions(the way North American Indians are related to Central and South American Indians). The Olman/Almeks seem to have migrated from Hepmonaland across various islands in the Azure Sea to the Amedio Jungle (see C1). Those people evidently were city builders. The Olman/Almeks religion and culture was very distinct from the Flan of the north, but we might assume that in the very distant past, they were both of a common ancestry (Talk to Erik Mona about the Olman/Almeks gods, as he's done some work in that area, as I recall).

Another thing to speculate on is the Yuan-Ti, who live in the jungles of Hepmonaland (see 11). Have they always been there? Did they exist in greater numbers in the past? What if they were "made" from an offshoot of the Olman/Almeks people, who in a fit of blasphemy turned to demonic, serpentine gods? Or perhaps, simply, the Yuan-Ti snakemen were a prehuman civilization that the Olmans, Almeks, and/or Ur-Flannae came upon, some of whom worshipped these elder things as gods ... or learned demon worship from [Yes, I'm thinking of R.E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft -- both valid GH influences].

I've also wondered about the human-animal hybrid "slaves" illustrated in the entrance to the Tomb of Horrors (see T1, area 3): pig men, apemen and dog men are depicted there (perhaps the beastmen of GH Adventures are a variation of these things). If these were slaves of Acererak's kingdom, then they may also figure into ancient Flan history. There are also jackal-headed humanoids illustrated in bas-relief (area 4), and "rotted" people depicted in the evil chapel (area 14) -- people that are partly dead? Early necromantic guinea pigs? Who knows.

Y'know, just leafing through the illustrations of the "decor" in the Tomb of Horrors can give you all kinds of ideas about ancient "Acererak Era" Flan history. There are some enigmatic hooded, beaked figures, one of whom is lowering a humanoid into an aquatic monster's mouth (ILLUSTRATION #3). There are snakemen, birdmen, and what appears to be Tiamat (#10) -- that whole illustration strikes me as having a mixture of Babylonian, Egyptian, and Aztec styles. The mummy-lich sort of reinforces the Egyptian atmosphere (#18), as does the mummy preparation room (# 19). The elephant-shaped juggernaut also fits in to a Babylonian or African motif (#23) -- so do the hooded cobra armrests on the throne at #25D. And: do the pillars (in #25) have "mind flayer" heads? (Observe the black eyes and the squiggly lines that could be tentacles hanging beneath). The iron statues and sarcophagus at #30 look vaguely oriental.

One more bone to throw on this pile of minutiae and speculation: technology. I'm thinking about the the City of the Gods. How old is that? Does it predate the Oeridian and Suel invasions? I would think so. If it does, then perhaps it is another component of ancient Flan history. Possibly, in the very distant past, there was a Flan culture that had advanced technology ... and maybe it didn't work out so well [Shades of Jack Vance's DYING EARTH, as well as many other fantasy novels].

Well, Tal, that's not a Flan chronology -- just a pile of ideas you could use to build one. And quite a digression.


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Real-world nation parallels

From: <>

To: greyhawk@MPGN.COM"

Date: Wed, Aug 19, 1998 7:17 AM

Subject: Re: [GREYHAWK] - Musings

Wow. Well, due to some of the posts on this thread, I'm rethinking my next game a bit. As I haven't run in a year or so Uust playing), I can make some changes to how I perceive certain GH states. I like Nyrond as French, making the Urnst states the low countries. FuryondyNeluna as more post Norman British, Keoland as Scotland (in the era of The Bruce), meaning I can make the Ulek states more Celtic in nature. I'm also thinking of making Ket and Bissel more Slavic in nature, ALA the Balkans, making room for Geoff to be more central European. Any thoughts on this?

Josh R


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Bandit Kingdoms Primer

From: Gary R Welsh <grwst6+@PITT.EDU>

To: ""

Date: Wed, Aug 19, 199812:50 AM



(Circa CY 576)

[Derived from E. Gary Gygax's work in the original WoG sets and the WoG novel SoOC, as well as DRAGON articles in issues #56 and #63]

Rulers: No single ruler exists

Capital (largest city in strongest state): Currently Rookroost (pop. 17,310)

Population: 95,000+ !

Demi-humans: Few, if any

Humanoids: Many

Important Persons: Nebon Gellor, Boss Dhaelhy, Plar Teuod Fent

Resources: Silver (mines in Rift area)

National Alignment: Chaotic neutral evil

Coinage: Most of the coinage here is from elsewhere (stolen), but it may be that Rookroost and Stoink have minted some city coins.


This region is vast and quite varied in its features. Its northwest and central parts are thickly wooded. Even where the timberlands have been cleared, there are still often patches of thick growth, isolated copses of trees, and overgrown fields of bushes and heather. Tilled fields and pastures exist across the countryside sporadically. Near the forest in the central region -- the Tangles -- the land is rocky and covered with briars, and to the south of there is the vast, deep canyon that is known as the Great Rift.

The Bandit Kingdoms are bounded by the Ritensa River on the west, the Fellreev Forest and the Bluff Hills on the north, the Zumker as it flows into the Artonsamay River on the east, and the Artonsamay as it flows into the Nyr Dyv on the south, as well as the Shield Lands.


The entirety of what is today called the Bandit Kingdoms was once a great, primaeval forest, a dense wilderness of wild growth covering most of the Flanaess. Before the Migrations began, the area was home to sylvan elves and scattered tribes of nature-worshipping Flan folk.

As the Great Kingdom of Aerdy rose to supremacy, it began to expand its borders westward. In time, it placed settlements and garrisons on the Nyr Dyv and along the Artonsamay River to the north. Stoink was one of these early garrison towns. Most of this northern frontier remained a wilderness even then, especially the regions beyond the river. Most of Aerdy's growing dominion reached along and around the fertile coast of the Lake of Unknown Depths, and thence continued west.

Later when the Great Kingdom began to crack and weaken, from sheer size, its outermost provinces broke off to form into sovereign states. The forested region north of the Nyr Dyv was known already as a haven for outlaws, bandits, and defeated nobles. Folk who didn't fit in elsewhere came to this wilderness to live, to carve out their own little kingdoms and social pecking order.

After Nyrond's secession from the Great Kingdom, the garrison towns of Rookroost and Stoink were cut off from the Aerdy overlordship. Prior to this time, the "Bandit Kingdoms" as they had already come to be known as, ruled themselves in all but name. In light of the greater events that were going on, their existence and their declarations of formal sovereignty went largely unheeded.

It was a chaotic time, with robber barons and bandit chiefs preying upon neighboring states and each other. Whoever was most vicious and aggressive at the time held the reigns of power, only for as long as their strength lasted.

In CY 446 (the same year the Iron League was founded}, the Bandit Kings crossed the Artonsamay into Urnst (then an undivided state under the Duke} and sacked Trigol. The Bandit Kings were suddenly viewed as a large scale threat in their own right. Using bands of Euroz and Jebli in their raids, the Bandit Kingdoms soon came to be regarded as a persistent, organized and much-despised menace.

Soon after this, the Bandit Kings began to call themselves the "Combination of Free Lords." They still fought against each other, but would also unite in a military confederacy against common foes. In battles with the Duchy of Tenh, Urnst (which effectively divided in CY 498), the Rovers of the Barrens, the sylvan elves of the Fellreev, the Shield Lands, and the growing power of luz (which was a western threat in the early 500s}, the Free Lords often showed a continually surprising ability to work together against a common foe.

By CY 576, the two most powerful bandit lords -- Boss Dhaelhy of Stoink and Plar Teuod Fent of Rookroost -- both declared ambitions to unite and rule the entirety of the Bandit Kingdoms. In either case, this seems unlikely to be realized -- there are a few other bandit lords who are nearly as powerful as they, with the same ambitions.


The Bandit Kingdoms are a mish-mash of peoples, descended mostly from outlaws, wanderers, exiles and never-do-wells. The indigenous Flan were either driven out or conquered and oppressed by invaders. When the migrations came, some Oeridians and Suloise settled the region. Hordes of humanoids, formerly mercenaries for western armies of the Old Empires, spread across the lands, with large amounts of humanoids settling in the plains just west of the Ritensa. When the Great Kingdom rose to power, more Oeridians settled here, and the area became divided up on Aerdian maps with provincial names. Finally, when groups of mixed Oerid-Bakluni nomads surged east, some made it across the Great Northern Plains (the Barrens} and as far as the Griffs, where many settled in what is known now as the Hold of Stonefist. Others in this group turned southward, and filtered into the northern bandit kingdoms.

With all of these mixed influences, the culture of the Bandit Kingdoms makes for a very mixed bag. The royal and noble titles currently in use attest to this diversity: Plar, Szek, King, Rhelt, Tyrant, etc. The Bandit Kingdom dwellers are mostly Flan and Oeridian, with a strong strain of Suloise stock, and a dash of the Bakluni-Oeridian hybrids. There are many humanoid tribes here as well, scattered about in the wilderness, especially in the west, in the Fellreev and along the Ritensa River. Demi-humans are rarely seen in these parts; the sylvan elves in the northern Fellreev, along with a few centaurs, are the exceptions. The Bandit Kingdoms of Freehold and Greenkeep have had some interaction with those forest folk, sometimes as enemies, and rarely as truceful allies. A few half-elves can sometimes be seen in these places -- they are usually outcasts, renegades or loners.

The Bandit Lands are filled with ruthless, harsh folk. Skirmishing and raids are not uncommon. Therefore, nearly everyone is suspicious and armed. The people subsist by farming, herding goats and pigs, and woodcutting. Along the rivers, there is some fishing and a bit of trade, but the commonfolk are mostly poor, insular and crude. A village in the Bandit Kingdoms is often ram-shackle, run-down, surrounded by poorly-tilled fields and unhealthy looking livestock. More often than not, such a village will be filled with barefoot dirty peasants who are lorded over by a local gang of armed bullies who style themselves "vassals." The strongest bully in a region, with his followers, styles himself "the liege," and goes by some noble, or even royal, title. These robber barons live in crude stone keeps, hunting lodges, or matte-and-bailey type forts -- usually places of filthy, torchlit drinking halls where in-fighting and brawls are the norm.

In a few of the larger towns, these liege-lords usually adopt a slightly higher semblance of civility and pomp. Boss Dhaelhy of Stoink, for example, holds court and carries on as if he were the ruler of a large and fine nation. He has musicians, entertainers and buffoons in his hall, and receives visitors and emmisaries as if to augment his prestige and sense of self-importance. But for all of the airs that he puts on, Boss Dhaelhy engages in the same boorish, tyrannical behavior as all of the others: breaking his own laws and treaties as it suits him, kidnapping nobles for ransom, and worst of all, slave-trade. Such chaotic behavior keeps Stoink and the other towns of the Bandit Kingdoms in a dark age of ignorance and cruel despair.


Currently, there are seventeen distinct little "kingdoms" that make up the Bandit Kingdoms. The two most influential rulers are Boss Dhaelhy of Stoink and Plar Teuod Fent of Rookroost. Stoink and Rookroost are the only settlements in the Bandit Kingdoms that warrant the name of city by virtue of their populations. It is for this reason that Dhaelhy and Fent are so influential. Both would like to expand their realms, and both are noted for their ambitions to rule over all.

Lord Avaerd of Fellands commands the greatest number of troops -- 1250 total, which includes a hundred Euroz guards. Master Eab Huldor of Freehold is a close second in this category, commanding about 1150 men-at-arms and cavalrymen. Tyrant Celdro of Reyhu commands a full thousand men -- as does Rhelt Abbarra of Kor.


Oddly enough, the Bandit Kingdoms are militarily quite effective. They are tough, clever fighting men, and when one would expect cowardice, sometimes there is fierce contest. The various Bandit lords have shown an ability to mobilize swiftly and to cooperate against mutual enemies. They have a system of personal loyalties that allows for a quick and effective call to arms. Each bandit lord has his group of companions whom he drinks, raids and fights with. When these groups join together, they can make for highly mobile and stiff opposition. In fact, as long as there is the prospect of shared profit, these bandit groups will remain highly loyal to each other.


There are certainly no state religions in the Bandit Kingdoms, only local preferences. The Old Faith of the Flannae has mostly fallen by the wayside, but it still may have hold-outs in the forest regions. The most popular powers are likeliest those who represent Chaos and Neutrality, as well as the spheres of chance, luck, stealth and good fortune. Olidammara, Ralishaz, Norebo, and others like them are venerated here. Those names are invoked when the knucklebones are thrown! And every once in a while a swarthy man with the look of a Westerner (i.e., a man of Bakluni descent) will ask lstus to bless his path. Like the people themselves, religion here is a patchwork, and by most other lands considered non-canonical.


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Fate of Istus criticisms

 From: Noel Graham <>


Date: Tue, Aug 18, 1998 8:58 PM

Subject: Re: [GREYTALK] Fate of lstus

Haile and Fair Greetings All,

Terry Harrison writes:

>It has some very good descriptions of some cities of the Flanness and some good adventures.

Actually, it's these descriptions which are the source of some of the most fundamental problems with _Fate of lstus_, not the storyline, which as GHers we are well versed in cannibalizing. Most briefly:

Rookroost does not show internal defenses (or even crumbling, unrequired, former fortifications) otherwise expected of a city-state traditionally at conflict with its neighbor states. The map itself was cropped on the right to boot, though it's general layout is good. Posthumous kudos to Nigel Findley.

I posted a dissertation to GT some time ago concerning the problems with Rel Mord, which boil down to its questionable defenses given it historical paranoia concerning Aerdy. The city is far and away underpopulated for its requirements as a nation capital, as well, though this is a marginal complaint.

The same goes for Wintershiven, given its suggested government of Byzantine complexity. In this case, it's well acceptable that the city would have outgrown its walls without building new ones (given the city's internal location and certain poposities amongst its rulers/defenders). However, external structures seem oddly ancillary. One might be able to overlook a temple to an (unnamed) evil deity immediately adjacent to the seat of a zealous theocracy if access and egress weren't so obvious, given the structure itself is in disuse. Numerous options exist to rectify the situation: bring agrarian interests hard upon the city walls (leaving open fields of view in all directions), increase the number of outstructures (particularly in clusters of symbiotic businesses: outlander inns, etc.), or provide for subordinate townships in the immediate vicintiy (if "cleanliness" is an issue of the Prelate), requiring only names and arrows on the map, for starters.

Of course, this latter idea might well suit the Church-Militant, leaving as it does the city proper to government and attendant functions alone. Regulating visitors and peoples' reasons for being in the capital would therefor be possible.... Such a role would pair well with adjacent cultivated fields ... though I digress.

Leukish doesn't include the residence of Duke Karll, though this could have rationale (that just isn't substantiated). The city treasury is strangely apart from the provided stronghold of the city, which also has a governor (not too troubling) whose offices and residence are similarly situated. Overall, not much of a "capital", though I stress again these notes are merely representative, not definitive.

Chendl's biggest shortcoming, as presented, is the issue of its canals extending beyond the city the city walls. After that, theres the question of its water source (for the canals), evaporation replenishment, and sanitation (people just _are_ going to dump stuff in the canals). Interesting notion, thugh, that access into the city is restricted to watercourses. However, since so much city traffic does center on the waterborne, the moat-like canals encompassing the palace complex become dubious. In that, it's curious the same canals which penetrate the inner city walls also allow direct navigation to the walls of the palace complex -- not an overall good idea (particularly on the SE side).

Verbobonc.... Verbobonc insults the intelligence, given the ascribed history. Forgive me for not delving it here again. 

Now, all these cities are redeemable with different degrees of retrofitting. Some, like Verbobonc, require a great deal where others simply need to reexamine their approach and build accordingly. It's true enough that at the time some effort was given to add much-sought city detail to an under-developed Flanaess. Fair points for good intentions (what was that about the road to hell?). Unfortunately the project seemed poorly executed for its grand potential. It became an example of what was wrong with GH, rather than a band-aid on a gaping wound.

This, of course, precludes noone from finding the material contain therein as useful or helpful. Simply, the concept of _Fate of lstus_ being problematic doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Soft Winter and Sweet Flowers,


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Saint Cuthbert for Runequest/Greyhawk

 From: Tai Meta <talmeta@BELLATLANTIC.NET>


Date: Tue, Aug 18, 1998 7:55 PM

Subject: [GREYTALK] DMD - St. Cuthbert for RQ/Greyhawk

Semi-regular info banner.

Greyhawk (TM) TSR/WOTQ

RuneQuest (TM) Avalon Hill/Hasbro

Thanx go out to Gary Gygax for letting us play in his world, Len Lakofka for sharing what he knows, and to Samuel Weiss, Nathan Irving, Rip Van Wormer, Will McPhereson, and a host of others on the lists for letting me nick their ideas from time to time.

(Now back to out regularly scheduled non-canon writeups)


Runes: Law, Intellect, Truth

St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel is the god of Wisdom, Common Sense, Dedication, and Zeal.

Cult in the World

St. Cuthbert is part of a trinity of three ascended mortals who followed Rao in life, yet took separate paths emulating their Lord. 

Cuthbert trod the Path of Reason, and along the way he gained the Rune of Truth, as well, making him the most successful of the three Sainted Ones, as well as the most martially inclined. 

Cuthbert's faith is a strict one, nearly as strict as the cult of Pholtus. Those who refuse to see Reason or Truth can expect to have it pounded into them, until they "see the error of their ways".

Cuthbert's High Holy Day is the 29th of Goodmonth, his mortal birthday, as well as his Day of Ascension. Lesser services are held each Godsday, as well. St. Cuthbert's places of worship run from small shrines in rural settings to rough chapels in more civilized lands. Temples (where they exist) are generally constructed of white marble or limestone, and contain shrines to Carmichael, Trowbane, and Rao.

Priests of St. Cuthbert generally wear a vareity of garb, depending on their status and position in the church.

Lay Membership

Requirements: Lay members of Cuthbert's faith generally sport a lot of lumps. Doctrine is very important to this cult, and failure to get things right the first time often results in correction with a wooden billet.

Skills taught by the cult include Dodge, Debate, Orate, Speak

Languages, First Aid, Human Lore, Read/Write Languages, World Lore, Listen, Scan, Ceremony, Mace attack/parry, and Doctrinal Discipline.

Initiate Membership

Requirements: In addition to the standard requirements, the candidate must possess a Doctrinal skill of at least 50%, and must succeed in 3 out of 5 rolls against that skill. Known as Billets, they dress in simple brown and russet garments, carry a stout bronzewood billet, and serve their communities as ministers and protectors of the faithful.

Spirit Magic: Admonish, Banish Spirit, Bludgeon, Mind Delve*, Protection

* - only available to Stars (priests).

Acolyte Membership

Requirements: Applicants to the order of the Chapeaux must, in addition to the standard requirements, possess a Doctrinal skill of 75%.

The Chapeaux are charged with seeking converts to the faith, and with watching the Billets beneath them for backsliding. Their garments vary, but they all wear crumpled hats as a symbol of their order.

Rune Lord Membership

Requirements: as per priests, below.

St. Cuthbert's crusaders are known by a variety of names, but they are officially known as the Correctors. They are charged with carrying the message of their Lord to those who have rebuffed all other messengers. They are trained to meet violence against their faith with violence, but refrain from engaging in mayhem for mayhem's sake.

Correctors have no particular garb, though they favor heavy armor and weild maces in combat. The forces of luz are a particularly hated foe.


Requirements: In addition to the standard requirements, candidate priests must possess a 90% skill in Doctrinal Discipline, as well as vows of charity and celibacy.

Priests of St. Cuthbert are known as Stars, and wear dark green robes adorned with the Holy Starburst of their order. Their ultimate goal is to insure doctrinal purity among their flocks, a task they are aided in by their use of the Mind Delve spell.

Virtues for Cuthbert include: Energetic, Honest, Loyal and Stubborn.

Common Divine Magic: all

Special Divine Magic: Command Worshippers, Detect Truth, Turn Undead.

Associated Gods

St. Carmichael: provides Courage

St. Trowbane: provides Awaken

Rao: provides Shield - I *am* one of the Chosen Few!

ICQ - 12594453

AIM - talmeta1

TANJ Lives! - <>


Scroll of Dust

From: "d.k. tetreault" <denist@JULIAN.UWO.CA>


Date: Mon, Aug 17, 1998 2:05 AM

Subject: [GREYTALK] DMD - The Scroll of Dust

The Scroll of Dust

By Denis Tetreault <>

This is from a campaign I'm currently running where the PC's have embarked on a quest to discover as much about the Invoked Devastation/Rain of Colorless Fire as they can. They do not know yet where this path will lead them. I do of course! ;-) Feel free to use this as a campaign hook. I am currently writing up detailed DM's notes for this campaign, complete with visual aids, which I will post at some later date (or rather announce for people to send requests, since it is already too long for the list). Every line in these two "documents" really does have some meaning. In the campaign notes I'll release later, all will become clear ... well. .. most anyways;-) For those of you who read (and saved) my post a few weeks ago on "Xodast, lncabulos, and the Invoked Devastation", you will be able to decipher part of this underlying meaning. Once I post my view of the "Rain", much of the rest will be decipherable.

While searching the library of a sage, the PC's find a book with the following information. They later decided to try to track down the "earlier, more accurate translation" mentioned below. After several dangerous and exciting adventures they finally succeeded. It follows the first Scroll of Dust description. Campaign notes: IMC, Al'Akbar is the name of the god, worshipped by the Baklunish, who created the Cup and Talisman, not the high priest who received the artifacts. Those espousing the alternate view need only change a few words.

The Scroll of Dust

The Scroll of Dust, originally written in an ancient dialect of Baklunish, is also known as the Testament of the Darkening by followers of Al'Akbar and is held as very sacred and holy scripture. Followers believe it to be divine enlightenment and the word of Al'Akbar. It is apparently the oldest document in existence concerning the faith of Al'Akbar. There have been several translations by different people over it's long history (after all, the original is alleged to be one thousand years old!) each with slight differences in interpretation, however the translation by the High Priest Anar Al'Hakir is the only officially authorized version at present. Whether he based his translation on the original or on a re-analysis of an older translation is unknown. A few sages, who claim to have information on an earlier, more accurate translation, believe the Scroll is an account of the final moments of the Baklunish Empire. They accuse the official version (about 75 years old) to be clouded by religious fundamentalism, but what do they know? They are mere infidels and could not begin to understand its true meaning. Anyway, they haven't a leg to stand on because the original has either been lost or is held in "safe keeping" (i.e. permanently locked away) by the powers-that-be and hasn't been seen by an outsider in at least two hundred years.

Translation by His Holiness Anar Al'Hakir, High Marabout of Antalotol, Bey to the Sultan of Zeif.


And the. faithlessness reached across the lands and gripped the people in its fist of death. Dust. [1]

And the darkness did dull the mind and darken the soul.

And the mighty temples did rot and crumble. Dust.

And the Evil did walk the streets and consume the innocent and fell the strong.

And Death laughed and took the righteous and the infidel alike. Dust.

And enlightenment and truth did open the eyes of the wayward and they did weep. Dust.

And the Prophet lifted up his hands and He called out to All, for he was the wisest that lived. [2]

And He brought low the infidels and cleansed all trace of them in the storm of Jihad. Dust. [3]

And their towers did fall and the faithless did scatter. [4]

And they were blinded by the power of Holy Truth and they withered in it's Light. Dust.

And the faithful did pass through the gate of redemption to their salvation at the Holy One's side in heaven.

And the Cup and Talisman was gifted to the people for their faith was strong. [5]


[1] Was the Invoked Devastation a punishment by the gods of a decadent and amoral heathen civilization?

[2] Who was he? Some believe he may have been the high priest mentioned below, but his actions would not be consistent with the teachings of Al'Akbar.

[3] Could this be the reference to the Rain of Colorless Fire that the sages refer to?

[4] There has been some arguement as to whether this, and the following line, refers to the Baklunish victims of the Invoked Devastation or to the Suel Empire.

[5] A reference to the faith of Al'Akbar's two holiest relics, supposedly given to his most exalted high priest by Al'Akbar himself in the day following a great devastation.

While most students of the arcane have heard of the destruction of the Suel and Baklunish Empires in the respective events that ancient and anonymous historians have named the "Rain of Colorless Fire" and the "Invoked Devastation", very little else about what actually happened is known and certainly nothing in the way of details. Much of what little is known comes from painstakingly analyzing the oral histories (not the most accurate way to pass on information over a millenium) of the Paynim tribes (nomads descended from the Baklunish). Some information comes from the sparse surviving records from Suel descendents. The rest comes from magically divined knowledge (e.g. Commune, Legend Lore, etc), though this method has historically resulted in notoriously vague, incomplete, and untrustworthy information. It is unknown as to why or how this event resists such divinations. If this scroll represents what a minority of sages allege, it represents perhaps the only known surviving first person description by an actual witness to these world shaking events.

The party resolved itself to find this rumored earlier and more accurate translation, and, after considerable effort and many adventures, finally located a rare manuscript containing the following information.

The Scroll of Dust

The Scroll of Dust, originally written in ancient Baklunish, is also known as the Testament of the Darkening by followers of Al'Akbar and is held as very sacred and holy scripture. Followers believe it to be divine enlightenment and the word of Al'Akbar, and interpret its message as such. Its details are closely guarded and not widely known. A radical splinter group of doomsayers believe it to be a prophecy describing the impending apocalypse. Some sages believe the fragmentary document to be a first-hand account of the final moments of the great Baklunish Empire. Most think it is the meaningless ramblings of an insane religious fanatic. Much of it makes no sense and appears to be lost in religious metaphor, the rest is impossible according to experts in the arcane arts. Most damning, however, is the fact that there is no other source of corroborating evidence. While the destruction of the Empire was so utterly complete and occurred fully one thousand years ago, the population was huge and if there had been any survivors, as the scroll suggests were, one would expect more accounts. The point of view of the teller as ascertained by the detail of this account also would not be possible because anyone near the center of the destruction could not possibly have survived to tell the story. Supposedly it took mere moments to utterly destroy nearly half a continent. Only gods could be capable of this kind of power, and even then there are limitations on what they can do on the Prime, chiefly by the other gods with interests in this world, further undermining this fairy tale. Certainly it is unthinkable that a mortal could be responsible.

The translation used here is transcribed from the Baklunium Antiquiam, a treatise dating from about 2968 B.H. How much earlier Ak'Omar the Seer lived and if he actually viewed the original scroll is unknown. It generally is agreed by the experts that his is the most accurate translation (lending credence to the theory that he worked from the original). The footnotes are presented as paired notations. The portion designated "a" is a literal interpretation, while that designated "b" represents an interpretation based on theological metaphor.

Translation of Ak'Omar the Seer

... (Beginning of text lost).... Dust. [1]

And the (lost fragment) was called and (lost fragment) opened.

And the Hand of Darkness reached across the heavens and gripped the world in its fist of death. Dust. [2]

And the Darkness of Doom did dull the sky and darken the day.

And the mighty temples did rot and crumble. Dust. [3]

And the Horde of Evil did cavort in the streets and slay the innocent and destroy the strong. [4]

And the Reaper of Souls, Rider of Nightmares did laugh and did cut down the righteous and the impure alike. Dust. [5]

And lo, the Great Krystal of Askaf was placed upon the Key and pushed into the Lock of the Ancients. [6]

And the earth did quake and the thunder did deafen the soul and the Eye That Watches was awakened and the world did weep. Dust.

And He lifted up His hands and He called out through All That Is, for he WAS the greatest wizard that lived. [7]

And He brought low the World of the Doom Bringers and washed all trace of What They Were in the Rain of Final Retribution. Dust. [8]

And the Towers did fall and the (ambiguous fragment) scatter. [9]

And He was blinded by the power of the Eye and He was consumed by that which he did never control. Dust. [10]

And the Faithful did pass through the Gate of Who Will Become to their Salvation at the side of the Holy One on the Needle of Time. [11]

And the Cup and the Staff of the Humble Servant was Gifted unto the people so that their faith would be strong. [12]

And the Gloom did creep through the Empire and snuff out All That Was. Dust. [13]


[1] No one knows how long the original document was.

[2a] A possible description of the Seul calling down the Invoked Devastation. But how could the Baklunish observer have any info on this? The two events were simultaneous, and almost 1000 miles apart. [2b] The spread of faithlessness, the people straying from the true path of God's will.

[3a] Physical destruction of the capital city. [3b] Metaphorical destruction of the temples of the unbelievers.

[4a] Possible literary origin of the word "Hordling" - powerful evil creatures from the Lower Planes. [4b] The servants of the Gods. The wrath of the Gods personified.

[5a] Avatar of an evil god walks the earth. [5b] Death in its nonjudgemental horror.

[6a] No other references to these objects has ever been found, and it is not known what they were or what their purpose was. Whatever happened, it doesn't sound good. [6b] The "crystal" of enlightenment and "key" of truth opening the "eyes" of the wayward believers to the ancient revealed word of God.

[7a] No info on who this person was, if he ever existed or what he was up to. [7b] Metaphor for God? Priests? Followers? A single individual? People have died over this arguement, folks.

[8a] The Rain of Colorless Fire? But only a god has this kind of power, and even then, there would be grave ramifactions. [8b] The destruction of your enemies by the hand of God, like most religious zealots pray for.

[9] Ambiguous fragment variously translated as the "walking dead" or the "bringers of death".

[10a] Destroyed by the power he released. [10b] The danger of what you don't understand, of straying from revealed truth.

[11a] The magically-aided escape from destruction by a small group of survivors? [11b] The truly faithful will be rewarded with salvation and ascendency to heaven after death.

[12] The creation of holy relics. [12a] Unfortunately there is no holy staff symbol in the religion. [12b] However this does not sway the true believers. It could be an error in translation. Everyone knows that it was a talisman.

[13a] The obsession with, then break in the " .. .Dust." meter structure on every 2nd line proves that the writer was insane, doesn't it? [13b] But then who wouldn't be insane after witnessing all this, or having it revealed through divine enlightenment. Either way the tale is pretty wierd and unbelievable.

Denis Tetreault <>

Dept of Earth Sciences

Univ of Western Ontario

London, Ontario, Canada


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