Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Furyondyan History

Furyondyan History


Haile and Fair Greetings All,

My current project for publication unavoidably involves the history of Furyondy and some of its its monarchs. As we all know, there is enough contradiction among the various sources to go around. As part of my database, I've compiled the following lists. I'm informed that Master Moore has not formally addressed this subject to date, but that it was a topic of conversation on Greytalk--obviously before I joined.

If I've missed any official sources in the first list please let me know. The second list shows the revisions I am currently using as resource.

Royals of Furyondy (collected sourceworks):

254 CY-- Thrommel I (Viceroy Stinvri) [83 box setting]

283 CY-- Thrommel III [Fate oflstus]

503 CY-- Belvor II [Marklands]

505 CY-- Avras III [GH Wars]

526 CY-- Thrommel II [83 box setting]

522-537 CY-- Belvor III (said to be Avras Ill's son) [GH Wars and Marklands]

537-? CY-- Lord Throstin, Regent of the Realm [GH Wars]

576-585 CY-- Belvor IV (said to be Belvor Ill's son) [83 box setting, GHW, FtA]

Royals of Furyondy (proposed)

254 CY-- Thrommel I (Viceroy Stinvri) [accepted 83 box setting canon]

?(283)-? CY-- Avras I? [commissioned Chendl instead ofT III]

?(post-283)-?(pre-Avras III) CY--Avras II, Belvor I, Belvor II

?-?(pre-505) CY--Avras III [still father ofBelvor III of GH Wars]

?(pre-505)-522 CY-- Belvor III (grandfather now ofBelvor IV) [sub. for Avras III of GHW]

522-537 CY-- Thrommel II [accepted 83 box setting canon; sub. for Belvor III of GHW/ML] Per GHW, the reign ofB. IV's father lasted but 15 years.

537-541 CY-- Lord Throstin, Regent of the Realms [GH Wars]

(541) 576-585 CY-- Belvor IV [universally accepted canon, (Marklands)] Belvor technically becomes king in 53 7 CY ( at 13 years of age), but monastic studies (for paladinhood) prevent him from formally ascending the throne until his majority in 541 CY ( at age 17 or 18, depending upon birthdate ).

Crowned Prince Thrommel (III) [formerly, ToEE; current whereabouts uncertain]

For this second timeline to work, each of the sovereign from Avras I through Belvor III would have to had *reigned* on the average of 44 years. Somehow, this seems excessive, suggesting there is at least one more monarch (probably more) of a previously unlisted name absent from this list. Does this not seem reasonable?

Further, I gave the 1983 boxed setting preeminence, since it layed the groundwork for later contradictions. After that, I tried to stay as faithful to the degree of relation from the published material as possible.

While this post may spark some debade, my goal is simply to satisfy as much of the published material as possible while establishing a record that can be worked from. It isn't necessary to fill in all the"?" dates at this time, only to establish an order of precedence. The whys of how the historical record became corrupted has already been dealt with. Any assistance would be appreciated.

For the sake of continuity, is there any obscure official reference to the House name of the royal family of Furyondy? Did we begin with a King Stinvri of the House of Thrommel or a Thrommel (I) of the House of Stinvri; or something altogether different? This will become important when considering the branch( es) which defected with the loss of Dyvers (and House names to be found there today).

A humble apprenticed sage and oft-times commentator on olvenfolk,


Noel Graham


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